Wake Up Call

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Chelsie felt a hard push against her shoulder that shook her awake. She rolled over to see Mars standing on the side of the bed again. The young lady could hardly see her because her sight was still blurry from waking up so early but Mars had a deep blue dress on with golden armor around her chest. Her sunlit hair was pulled up into a tight bun with a few purposely loose strands that hung gracefully around the frame of her face. She held her hands together in front of her as she looked down onto the groggy form of Chelsie.

"Lady Chelsie?" she asked with a shy smile. "mmm..." was the only the she said as she yawned and rubbed her eyes in attempt to focus them again. "Lady Chelsie, I apologize for interrupting your slumber but Sir Laufeyson has requested your presence once more. He wishes to see you at the Breakfast Table right away, Ma'am." she explained to the still sleeping girl. The foster mother took a few seconds to fully process what Mars had said and when she finally did, she reluctantly agreed to meet him.

"Do you wish assistance upon choosing today's attire?" Mars spoke again. Chelsie pushed herself up and sat while leaning on her elbows as she gave her a slightly confused and tired look. "Uhh... sure?" she replied. Immediately, the golden haired woman gracefully hovered, across the room to the wide wardrobe. She grabbed the handles with her tiny pale hands and swung the large doors open, revealing all kinds of gowns and dresses hung neatly in a tight row. At the bottom lay various footwear to match the clothes inside.

The young human-girl let out a heavy sigh, all she wanted to do right now was sleep!

Chelsie flung the blanket off of her as she swung her legs off the side of the bed. She instantly shivered as her bare feet touched the cold tile floors but she stood up anyway and hobbled over next to Mars. Yesterday, the only Asgardian clothes she wore was a sleeping gown but now she was going to be able to wear real Asgardian clothes. At least she had that to look forward to.

"How do you think this gown would suit you?" Mars spoke as she reached into the closet and pulled out a simple white Greek style dress. It had three thin golden stripes that tied the waist and there was golden strap that tied at one side at the top of the dress, looped gently around the neck and ended exactly on the other side. It had a teasing style of cleavage but nothing too visible. The gown was beautiful and Chelsie was dazed by the lights that reflected off of the whiteness of the cloth but before she could even touch it, the maidservant pulled out a second dress and showed it off. This one was completely reflective gold and had no sleeves. It was tight from the breasts down to the knees and then it opened up to a mermaid-style dress that reached passed the feet and trailed gracefully along the floor. Chelsie felt a smile spread across her lips but, yet again, Mars went for another dress. This one was blue with a silver cape on one side, the next was violet with bronze armor, the next was red with long sleeves, the next was yellow with draping straps that rested on the shoulders.

Chelsie settled on a shamrock green dress. It's silk fabric draped perfectly around her curves and complemented her figure. Honey stained wings acted as a belt for the gown and hugged her stomach as it looped around her torso. It was a sleeveless dress but it's emerald fabric came up to her collar at the front and a gold strand matching the wings gently rounded the Midgardian's neck, holding it up.

Immediately, Mars began to work on Chelsie's dark tangled hair. She pulled and twisted but within a few minutes, the Midgardian had her head of hair perfectly brushed and set up in a beautiful work of art.

Chesie looked at the full length mirror near the wardrobe, staring at the image in the frame. The woman that reflected off looked so beautiful, not like the Midgardians thought 'hot' or 'sexy' but stunningly gorgeous. Amanda took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

"I'm ready. Let us dine with the King." Chelsie smiled kindly at the caring maidservant.

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