Pain and Death

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Just imagine... imagine being surrounded by total fear...being completely isolated from the world...feeling pain, anger, grief...watching someone close to you die.

Many say that in moments like these... time slows down. You watch desperately, helplessly as everything slowly transpires around you and there is nothing you can do for you are frozen in time. They say that every detail gradually unfolds and you watch, paralyzed from all movement, as it happens. The feeling is overwhelming; you sense a dreadfulness within you, a pit in your stomach grows and your heart leaps into your throat... that is not at all what it was like for young Hela.

Everything happened so fast; Kate toppling over the side of the bridge, Nagothir's wretched laughs, the smoke engulfing poor Hela, pulling her back as she staggered to the side of the tracks and looking over, the smoke surrounding her and clouding her vision as she desperately searched the raging river for any sign of her sister...

...there were none.

That is when everything started to mix together.

"Kate! Kate, where are you!" Hela cried over and over again, running back and forth, searching for any signs that her sister may be alive. "KATE!" she screamed, cold tears pouring down her rosy cheeks, "Kate, please! Kate!" answer...

None but the heinous roars that escaped Nagothir's throat.

"She is no longer with you... But do not fret young one, you shall join her soon enough!" he spoke as he ceated a sound that gave pain to Hela's ears.

"NO!" Hela shrieked. "NO! I won't go with you, you evil bastard! I refuse to go!"

"There is no other choice for you, child. Surrender to me!"

"NO!" Hela screamed as she turned and ran the other way, dodging loose boards, careful not to face the same fate as her lost sister. Soon enough, the tracks began to desend lower and lower so after a short time, Hela was on ground level. She did not stop running for she still heard the Faerie-Elf's wretched howls as he followed her.

Within moments, Hela reached the fence and started to climb, tearing up her arms and legs on the sharp metal wires as she staggered over the top and fell the the ground in a bleeding heap. She weakly pulled herself back up and started to run home.

Before she new it, she was approaching familiar woods and saw her house.
"MOM! DAD!" She gasped and cried out, her throat sore from screaming. There was no answer... That's when she saw the door shattered off its hinges.

Hela quickly ran inside, everything seemed to be in place so far, the kitchen was untouched, everything left alone in the den, but then she staggered into her parents bedroom.

Her mother was lying lifeless in a puddle of scarlet on the floor, blood dripping from the side of her lips, her blank eyes staring at the ceiling. Her father was on the other side of the room, his throat was slit and his shirt was soaked in thick red liquid. In his hands he held a gun with his finger on the trigger as blood flowed down his arm, streamed across the barrel of the weapon and dripped onto the white rug, causing the small pool to grow larger rapidly.

A horrifying and chilling scream escaped little Hela's soar throat once again...

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