Entering Asgard

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Hela was frozen.

Chelsie was just as shocked.

The people around them began to scatter in all directions; they knew who this man was, he had attacked New York once before and now he was back again!

"HELA!" Chelsie desperately cried. The young girl finally snapped back into reality and realized what she had to do. In a moment, the two were turning to flee the scene but when they turned around, Loki was standing in their way!

"Give my daughter to me, mortal!" Loki spat in Chelsie's face. She was short but she was brave, The Foster Mother pushed Hela behind her to hide her from Loki and gave the god a stern and courageous look.

"No." she said. "I won't let a monster like you take her!" Amanda stood her ground and silently vowed to keep Hela safe.

"Have it your way than, peasant." The god replied with a frightening smile. In a split second, Loki swung the staff in his hand and struck Chelsie hard! She flew to the side and the impact caused her to lose consciousness and forced Hela to the ground.

"Chelsie!" Hela cried to her new mother, but it was no use, she wasn't moving!

Loki reached down and carefully scooped up a crumpled Hela in one arm and began walking to the hole. Immediately, the little girl began trying to escape; she pushed and pulled and punched and kicked but Loki was far stronger than her. Hela was locked into his arms and there was no way out!

Hela felt the ground begin to shake and looked up into the gaping hole; the Bifrost was opening and was going to take them away.

"Help!" she cried over and over again.

"Let her go!" Chelsie cried as she stirred awake and struggled to get back up. She had a stream of thick red blood on the side of her face that was slowly inching its way to her chin but she ignored it. Chelsie hobbled over and clutched onto Loki's arm in a desperate attempt to make him release Hela. In an instant, the Bifrost opened and summoned all three into a wormhole.

Chelsie and Hela felt like they were in a vacuum, the air was sucked out of their lungs and they couldn't breathe. Colors and lights flashed all around them; it was terrifying and beautiful all at the same time. It felt like it was going to go on forever, this abyss of wonder, but just as soon as they were pulled into the wormhole they were pulled out. The three found themselves standing in a golden spherical structure had an opening to a beautiful colorful bridge.

The Foster Mother was no longer fighting against Loki and Hela no longer resisted, they were far too astounded by the beauty of the Bifrost. But who wouldn't be, it was unlike anything they had ever seen. They had only seen the elegant structure of the Bifrost and already they were mesmerized by its glory. The smelled in the air was of salt water but a pleasing kind, like the smell of the beach. The breeze flowed gently into the sphere and carefully brushed against their faces, immediately the girls minds were blank and calm. The air around them was warm and soothing but the breeze was cool, a perfect combination for a perfectly weathered day.

They had forgotten everything and were, for a moment, happy. Amanda suddenly felt a jerk on her arm that released her from the hypnosis and remembered how she got here and why.

"Take us back you foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Chelsie began tugging and pulling again but Loki shoved her aside and gently placed Hela on the ground before turning back to her.

The Bifrost was still in progress so Loki picked the mortal up by her shirt and began dragging her back to it. The wormhole looked dangerous and frightening but Chelsie still stood her ground. She fought back and kicked at Loki but he still wouldn't let go.

"NO! Please, don't!" Hela began to scream. "Don't do this! Please, she's my family!"

Loki stopped and turned to his daughter, he gazed at her and then back at Chelsie. He dropped her and began to walk out of the sphere. The strange guard pulled a sword and the spinning dome stopped, allowing for the god to exit through the other side of the structure to a bridge.

"Take my daughter to her bed chambers. See to it that she does not escape." He spoke sternly to the guard. He had strange tattoos on his bald head and a deep stare. "Take the mortal with you... and shut her up for Odin's sake!"

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