Hela In Truth

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Loki led Hela out of the room. As they passed by the large bed, Hela saw that Chelsie had fallen asleep as they were outside. The two quietly exited and Loki carefully shut the large golden doors. Hela gazed down the massive hall, pillars shaped into golden Asgardian Warriors that stood symmetrically in a perfect pattern along the large pathway. Everything about Asgard was new and strange to her yet it was wonderful and glorious.

Hela turned back to her father but instead was greeted by an elderly man. His hair was pure white from age and it was tied neatly behind his head to keep from falling lazily into his one blue eye. One eye... the other was covered in a golden patch that held on in ways unknown to Hela. He wore thick gold armor around his chest and in his hands he held a long gold staff.

"Fear not, my child." he spoke in a deep and weary voice with a kind look in his eye. "It is still I, your father. This is but a simple disguise that I must wear for the safety of my own. Asgard is far better not knowing that it is I that rules over them for they would not take kindly to me." he carefully explained to his daughter. She smiled shyly and they both continued along the corridor.

As they walked, Hela noted nearly every detail she saw, attempting to let everything sink in. All the while, Loki attempted to educate Hela in a few basic history lessons of Asgard in which she did not pay much mind. She was more interested in golden figures that guarded the Great Halls of Asgard.

When they stepped outside, the yellow sun had nearly gone down completely and it gave Asgard a honey like glow on the horizon just above the blue, snow topped mountains in the distance. Hela looked up to see the sky was now a heavy indigo with light ivory stars glistening in the vast distance. There were lights that seemed much nearer which glimmered of different colors such as arctic blue or blush pink or even a forest green. In the sky still, there hung a large moon like realm of a light navy color. It seemed dull and cold which forced a chilling shiver pass through Hela's spine.

Loki looked down on her small, shivering figure as she stared up into the sky at the planet that seemed so dark and full of secrets, like Loki himself.

"What you see, my little Hela, is the realm of Jotunhiem. It is my birthplace, if you wish to know." She smiled at him, still shivering. "Is it cold there?" She asked. "Very much so, young one." He revealed a gentle cloak and draped it onto Hela's shoulders.

Hela dropped her gaze from the sky to her surroundings, they were now in a lush meadow with the golden Kingdom before them. The mustard grass flowed gently in the slight breeze as it whispered kindly in her rosy ears. The air lingered of an autumn aroma; drying grass but with a fresh scent of dew hung around them. They both sat down carefully in the sea of grass as the waves of the wind passed gently by.

As the sun began to fade more and more, the sky grew dark and the stars illuminated brighter than before. Soon, the Kingdom of Asgard was no longer reflecting the sun's light, but the light of every single star that lay in the canvas of the sky.

Hela inhaled a deep breath and began to process everything around her, it was comforting.

"This can't last..." Hela thought to herlsef. "Every time I get comfortable, something comes and changes that..." She turned to look at her father, he had shifted back into his original form now for no one was near to witness this. A white smile was on his face as the stars glistened in his dark eyes, capturing the very essence of the night's sky, a twinkle reflected in his eyes.

"Loki?" Hela hardly had the courage to speak. Loki looked over at her, the smile had begun to fade once he saw the look of terror in his daughters eyes. "Hela? My princess, what troubles you?"

Hela took a deep breath, and then she slowly began to tell Loki her story. The whole story. She told him of Nagothir, of Kate's death, of her original Foster parent's death, of how Nagothir died, of the gang she met and how they had abandoned her, of the store manager and how he died...

Loki only spoke when Hela had finished speaking. "My little Hela... you have been through so much, my darling..." Loki hesitated for a short moment, he looked down and then back into Hela's tear filled eyes. "And I am very sorry for what I am about to say. I wanted to tell you at the right moment but I suppose that I must tell you know..." "What is it?" she sniffed but confidently demanded.

Loki grasped her shoulders and then he continued speaking quietly to her. "You must understand, my little Hela, that every being here has a destiny; an immutable fate, if you will." Hela took a deep breath and prepared herself for what she was about to hear, she knew it could not be good.

"Each of us has something that we must do, each of us has a meaning in Life. Mine is... well, I suppose you already know mine but yours you do not. But I do... Hela you have a place that is not in Life... but in Death. You are destined to but a Queen, a Great and Powerful Queen, yes, but... you are to be Queen of the dead. The Queen of Hel." the young girl frowned and looked away, yes, she truly felt her life was cursed with death all around her. It would only be fitting if it was her destiny.

"What happened with Nagothir and the others, that was how you allowed them to pass into the afterlife at your will. You forced them to travel to Hel. You are the Queen of Death, my little Hela, so you also have the ability to turn any object into a weapon that can kill. That is why you were able to kill the creatures that came after you and no one else could."

"But- but why were they after me?" Hela questioned, now angry and confused. "There is a usurper on the Throne in Hel, those who know not the name he belongs to call him the King of Hel, his followers call him The Dark Lord. Not many know his true name..." "Do you?" Hela attempted to try and focus on anything else but her destiny at the moment. "I do, he is called Crowley." Loki bluntly said. "That is a funny name." Hela chuckled. "Yes, yes it is, my darling." Loki smiled.

"He sent the creatures after you to bring you back to Hel. There are rumors in the mist that say he is dying and he wants the true heir to take his place. Others say he wants you dead so the throne would be his and his alone, the gods of old allowing him to continue living forever. I do not know which is true but I may promise you this, my little Hela; they will never reach you here in Asgard. You are beyond their grasps now." Hela was unconvinced but still, she looked up at the stars once more and attempted to feel at peace..

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