Act Of Distrust

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Days passed and Hela could not be more depressed, many times she thought of ending herself and ending the world of the horrors she brought to the earth.

But someone was always there to stop her, and not in the good way.

The gang was now somewhere in or near New York but Hela didn't care. It was tough for her so she simply separated herself from her mind, becoming a puppet. She did what she was told and no longer questioned it. She robbed anyone she was told too and always had the gang's back incase in was necessary to use her ability again. So far the Seven-Eleven Manager and Nagothir were the only ones.

What was the point of doing right? Hela always thought to herself. There was no good left in the world anyway. The "Killer Squad" was proof of that.


Now, the truck was parked in an old abandoned warehouse and Hela sat in the camper as the gang lit a fire on the concrete floor outside to celebrate. Their pockets were full of cash and they had enough Red Bull to last them months.

"We need to go big!" Sammie suggested. "Like, -FBI's Most Wanted- big! Or! Or..." she paused for a dramatic effect. "SHIELD..." Sammie finally said. The other three held up full liquor bottles into the air and cheered.

"Screw the good guys!" Allen yelled. "This is aweso-" he was cut short when there was a blast into the side of the wall. What came through after that was terrifying.

A large creature with eyes and legs of a bug, wings of a bat but the face and body of a human crawled through. Amanda screamed as she hid behind Josh and Sammie grabbed Allen's hand and pulled him into the truck.

A low rumble escaped the beast's throat, "Give me the girl, menial beings! The Dark Lord has grown impatient of waiting for her presence!" he spat, black liquid flowing out of his dark mouth and down his pale chin. Everyone was too shocked to react at first so the creature attacked them without a second thought. He jumped at Josh and Amanda but they were already crawling into the car. He tore at the doors with his large black talons and ripped the trailer off of the car in one slash! He charged and invaded the truck over and over again until it was completely torn apart. The four were able to escape with a few scratches and bruises.

They huddled together as Josh retrieved his colt and fired 3 shots at it, the beast did not hesitate. Josh dropped the gun and the four ran for the door when they heard a deafening scream. It was Hela, they had forgotten her!  The creature pulled her from the wrecked trailer and tossed her at the floor. She screamed again as her body collided with the concrete, breaking a few ribs and other bones in the process. She was in searing pain as she began to crawl backward as the demon neared her. Hela's hand clasped around something small and cold and familiar. Without thinking, she pulled up Josh's gun in front of her and fired a single shot.

Hela opened her eyes and witnessed the beast fall to the ground, bullet in the chest. It reached out to her and jumped onto of her, but immediately, a green spirit emerging once more and the demon was dead. She was relieved for a moment as she carefully emerged from the beasts grasp but suddenly heard a high pitched inhuman cry far off in the distance, MORE WERE COMING! Hela jumped up and painfully ran after the rest of the gang who had just succeeded in hot-wiring a car. Hela scooted into the back seat but was pushed out the other side by Josh himself.

"Sorry Kid, what ever it is... It's after you, not us!" he shouted as he slammed the car door. "You should have known by now that you can't trust anyone!" and then they all sped off into the darkness.

Hela was shocked, terrified and completely broken. She got up and ran. Pain electrified her entire body but she tried to ignore it. She couldn't see because her vision was blurred but she still ran. Hela ran until her feet could barely hold her anymore, until her head swayed, until she could hardly stay conscious...

Suddenly, Hela found herself crossing a bridge with a rushing river underneath. She slowly climbed over the cold railing and looked down at the black water at the bottom. The cool breeze bit at her wet, tear-stained cheeks as she prepared herself to let go...

"Hey... Hey!"

Hela froze. She felt an arm on her shoulder, it was warm and comforting and it felt like it could heal a thousand tears. But Hela had cried so much more than that.

"Hey, little girl..." Said the voice again, so soothing and calm. "Listen, you don't have to do this..."
"You don't understand!" Hela spat. "I need to." She cried.
"No... You don't. I know it's probably extremely tough, you don't have to go through this alone..."
"Yes, yes I do. I don't have a choice!"
"You're wrong. Come off the railing, let's talk."

Hela was so tired and so broken that instead of letting go, she weakly crawled over the railing to the other girl. A lamp across the street illuminated enough light to expose the girls face. She had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair.

"My name is Chelsie." She said as she revealed a calm and loving smile.

Maybe there was good in the world after all...

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