Let the search begin

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Every day, twice a day; Loki returned to Odin's cell, sat down and slid the plate of fresh food through the bars only to leave a few moments later. Loki had stopped asking where Hela was, in fact, they didn't speak at all when Loki visited. The god just felt a hint of satisfaction seeing Odin so needy. But another part if him slowly crumbled. Very, very slowly. Unnoticeable.

Then one day, over a week after Loki had stopped asking about his daughter, Odin spoke up.
"Midgard..." It was far too weak for Loki to hear clearly.
"Excuse me?" The first words they've said to each other in days.
"Hela... Is on Midgard..."
"Where?" Loki asked, doing his best to hide his concern.
"...I believe they call it Kansas... I know not exactly where..."
Loki said no more, he was already on his way to find his daughter.
Going to the stables, Loki prepared Sleipnir and climed onto his back as he ran to the Bifrost. Within moments, Loki was standing in a deep wooded forest in Kansas.

My Little HelaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora