The Asgardian Garden

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Hela and Chelsie sat quietly next to each other at the foot of a rather large bed that sat against the wall in the middle. The sheets were of animal fur and they were fairly rough but soft and comfortable all at once. The room, Hela's Bed Chambers, was quite large as well. The ceiling was high and the walls were covered in gold with intricate and careful details all over them. To Hela, they seemed to tell a story but to Chelsie, it simply looked like gold scribbles and meant nothing. The floor was dark but reflective, it was also smooth and seemed as if it was recently cleaned. There was a small library on the wall across from the bed that contained many books, some of which were in different languages that neither Hela nor Amanda seemed to even recognize.

On the wall to the right side of the bed stood a great opening that went from one corner to the other, from floor to ceiling and it stepped up and out into an opening of a balcony-like structure. The opening was about 40 feet wide and had 3 thick golden pillars, one at every 10 feet.

Hela had begun to grow tired of sitting and waiting patiently so she had decided to step onto the balcony, her mother did not bother stopping her. As the young girl slowly ascended the steps to the outdoors, a wave of warm fresh air hit her. It blew the long black hair out of her face and behind her as it brushed its way through every strand hair and made her sweater flap behind her like a banner on a windy day. The sun rays hit her violently as she walked out and she was blinded for a mere second before her eyes adjusted to the new light.

Hela looked around and saw that the outside floor stretched out beyond the size of the room into a small garden were one of the plants blossomed into a delicate tree. It was still young but it was mature enough to give young blush-pink buds and snow-white leaves that contrasted well with the deep umber bark of the sapling itself.

She circled through the balcony and walked dow some steps to the bed of plants. The young girl inhaled a deep breath, she smelled the pleasant aroma of each flower as it danced through the air and into her nostrils. The essence of the plants were new and strange to Hela but it still gave her a sense of warmth and comfort. There were other flowers and shrubs in this small garden as well as the tree that gave it a divine beauty that felt as if it could never be matched. Chartreuse vines grew in between the yellow, red and violet blossoms and they spread onto the ground in an elegant flow but still left a path for one to walk. Graceful green hedges cut and shaped into magnificent beasts and creatures that Hela did not know of had marked their corners of the ground and stood like giants guarding the terrace.

Hela walked past the garden and over to the railing and realized that it revealed the whole of Asgard before her. The canary golden buildings below reflected the bright blue sky yet glowed with the honey yellow sun. The emerald color of plants and teal color of rivers flowed gently in between these buildings, complementing everything in its surroundings.

People were seen walking in the carefully structured streets below, all looking comfortably human. Foreign, but human.

Hela decided not to dwell on that thought and looked passed the people.

The turquoise sea was visible beyond the buildings as it dropped into a deep and dark abyss. This was frightening but it was still breathtaking. Stars glimmered in the horizon behind the golden globe that was the Bifrost and the rainbow bridge glimmered in all it's glory as the fire sun had just begun to lower itself behind the Kingdom, casting the shadow of the building across the city as a cool and gentle breeze flowed through it.

Hela could have stared off into the distance at the far end of Asgard for eternity, it was far to beautiful to let go; but she was startled by a sudden voice from behind.

"Hela?" the young girl turned abruptly and saw Loki standing in the center of the garden. He was wearing a more simple attire than before; forest green shirt with a black vest-like cloth over it. His pants were tinted charcoal and his shoes looked the same color. His raven hair was not slicked back in a disturbing gel covered way but it waved airily behind his ears and down to his shoulders as they barely brushed against them. His clothes looked casual rather than terrifying and menacing like before but the most different look was what he wore on his face. His expression had completely changed from desperate and dangerous to calm and caring. His eyes were not angry and violent but quiet and gentle. A soothing smile spread across his rosy lips and his cheeks began to blush into a shallow shade of rouge which gave his porcelain skin a more lively color. Hela found no reason to fear this man anymore, he seemed moderate and humane and no longer looked harsh and hateful.

Hela decided to smile back.

"You must know..." Loki began to speak. He dropped his gaze to a small pearl flower near him. His smile did not fade but he did not raise his eyes again until he spoke a few moments later. "...this garden belonged to your mother." He closed his gentle eyes and a melancholy expression soured his face at the thought of her memory. "She loved this garden with all her heart," his voice hinted of pain and guilt as he spoke. Loki placed his hands behind his back as he took a small step closer to her and smiled again. "She spent her days out here, watching over every leaf that grew on every plant, making sure it was well cared for." a low chuckle quietly escaped his throat. "I always thought it was a waste of time, but I dared not tell her for it would only upset her. I thought it wasteful until I would visit her out here and all that hard work had wondrous results. The garden was beautiful..." Loki began to slowly scan the flowers and shrubs in their beds and continued to speak. "...but nothing compared to the beauty of your mother. This is a glorious garden, yes. But your mother was even more so."

Hela looked down at her feet, her mind had drawn blank of words. She had not thought of her real mother, it had never crossed her mind.

"Tell me more about her, please." Hela finally asked, almost too soft for Loki to hear.

A smile was revealed on Loki's face once again.

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