Killer Squad

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Hela's head was swimming with thoughts, so many came all at once that her head began to hurt,

"What just happened?"
"How did I do that?"
"What am I?"
"How will I live like this?"
"Will anyone accept me now?"

She was panicking, it became extremely hard for her to breath as she gasped for air. Hela's chest felt like it was about to burst and her insides were about to explode... wait...

"STOP THE CAR!" Hela cried out. Immediately, Josh pulled the brakes and the young girl jumped out. Just as she got onto the side of the road, she began to violently vomit her poor heart out. Or should I say... stomach.

Everything hit her all at once, all the pain, the emotions and feelings and realization of what was happening in her life and Hela couldn't contain it any longer. Tears streamed down her cold white cheeks as she spit up another disgusting part of her lunch and then another and another. Her throat burned and her eyes felt like fire. Her heart pounded hard and loud over and over again, faster and faster; like a continuous drum that never ended.


"What's happening to me?" she cried out into the blackness of the night. She stayed there, trying to gain control of the situation; neither Josh nor Amanda came to help. Sammie and Allen wouldn't help even if their life depended on it.

It was a few minutes before Hela crawled back into the truck and continued to cry. Everyone was shouting and yelling and doing so many hand gestures and facial expressions that Hela didn't even bother to follow their topic of conversation. Her head was in serious pain and she tried to fall asleep but it was unbearable.

Hela looked over at Allen. then Sammie... then Amanda... then Josh... each seemed almost happy and excited...

They were talking back and forth about crimes and villainous acts and they were all content about it!

"We can call ourselves The Killer Squad!" Allen gleefully announced. The other 3 simply stared at him with unsure expressions. "I-It's a working title..." he corrected.

This only made Hela feel worse. Why was all of this happening to her and what could she do about it? What did she do to deserve such awfulness?

But she had no choice, she had to stay with the gang, they were her last hope.

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