Nagothir, the Dark Faerie-Elf

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Before them stood a tall and dark creature, it's skin pale and lifeless. His hair matched the color of his shallow white eyes. The armor he wore was dark grey and a dull gold but you were able to see that it was covered in deep red and black blood stains some of it looked fresh.

"I am Nagothir, Son of Xander, son of Xathor! I belong to the family of Dark Elves and Faerie Abominations! You shall surrender yourself to me, Daughter of Loki!"

Both the two girls looked completely confused at the creature but they were still absolutely horrified. "Who?" Hela got the courage to ask, barely audible.
"I think you made a mistake."
"I do not make mistakes little raven! You are Hela, Daughter of Loki, Son of Odin, Son of Borr! You are being summoned by the Dark Lord!"

Finally understanding what this meant, Hela grabbed Kate's wrist and started to run down the railroad.

"Why do you run, small child? You shall belong to Him in the end!" he called after them. The two tried to ignore his frightening, cursed voice and continued to run!

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