A new member

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Hela had walked a long way for days, she no longer knew where she was or where she continued to go. Her entire body ached; her legs from walking, her head from lack of sleep, her stomach from not eating or drinking anything for almost 3 days. She could hardly stay on her feet but she kept going anyway.
It was morning, the sun was rising in the distance and the sky reflected it fiery rays of light as white and pink clouds danced across the sky. There was a chill in the autumn breeze but little Hela could not feel it. The birds had begun to sing small songs of their freedom and flew from tree to tree. Other animal had begun to stir as well. A pair of squirrels chased each other up a hollow trunk and hid inside, a bunny hopped across Hela's path and was followed by a young pair of smaller ones.
Something else stirred that Hela had not noticed.
Behind her, a figure stepped out onto the path. Hela only heard it when a twig snapped under its weight. She quickly spun around to see only a boy. He was about 17 and had a brown-ginger tint to the messy hair on his head. His nose was decently long and thin and the smile he wore spread across his entire face. He seemed nice and welcoming.
"Hey, kid, are you lost?" He asked in his calming voice.
"No." Hela answered.
"What are you doing out here? You look like you have been out here for days."
"I have and I will continue to be. Maybe for the rest of my life."
"Why? Where are your parents?"
"They-" Hela hesitated for a moment, still letting reality sink in.
"They died."
"Oh..." The boy looked at the ground as he came closer to Hela.
"Mine too." He answered after a moment.
"At least, I think they did. I grew up in a orphanage with my 3 friends but after a while, we decided to run away. They weren't taking care of us well." He was careful not to scare Hela off as he approached her slowly. She didn't move out of her place and made no attempt to.
"My name is Josh." He said as he knelt down onto one knee when he was a few feet away from her.
"Hela." She quietly responded.
"Come on, I'll introduce you to my friends. We have food, water, a change of clothes and we set up next to a waterhole so you could wash up too." Hela wanted to refuse, the pain in her stomach thought opposite. She followed him through the woods.
They neared a camp site where 3 other people sat and were talking amongst themselves.
"Hey, guys!" Josh called out to them.
"Who the hell is that?" Asked a young girl with brunette hair and dark eye makeup. She wore a punk style of clothing and sat carelessly on some guy's lap as he sat in an old camp chair. He had dark hair and had this European-like look to facial structure. Across from them sat a blond girl with a black jacket on and dark jeans.
They sat at the center of a clearing and a few yards away stood an old and rustic looking camper connected to a red truck.
"Sammie, be nice. This is Hela, she is an orphan. Hela, that is Sammie..." He pointed to the rebel-looking girl.
"That is Allen and Amanda." He gestured to the other two.
"I am not babysitting that little pinkie." Sammie bluntly said.
"I can take care of myself." Hela answered.
"She really needs a bath." Amanda spoke up and made a face as if she smelled something bad.
"I agree with both girls." Allen said.
"If you want her to stay, you take care of her."
"I will." Josh answered.
"Amanda, give the kid a t-shirt or something to change into after she washes up."
"What? I am not doing that! Give her your clothes!"
"I have my own clothes." Hela defended herself.
The waterhole was behind a few trees and bushes so the group wouldn't see her and she wouldn't see them. After a few minutes, Hela was clean and came back to the camp site. Josh had an arm slung around Amanda's shoulder while the others hadn't moved from their spots.
Josh motioned Hela to sit next to him on the log and then began to speak when she say down.
"It took some convincing but the guys are okay with you staying with us for a little while. They don't want to hear any whining or crying or anything like that, though. Okay kid?"
"Fine." Hela answered. She yawned and slowly against a large log near the fire as her eyelids began to shut. Soon, she was fast asleep.

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