Chapter 13

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So it's going to be a short fillers chapter this time but I hope that you'll like it either way. I didn't know what to write but wanted to update so here it is. Enjoy!


Louis P.O.V

I woke up to ice-cold water being thrown onto my face. I jumped awake and when I tried to put my hands on my face to heat it up I felt that I couldn't move my arms and when I tried to move my legs and body I felt them being tied down as well. I opened my eyes and saw almost nothing, it was just black. I turned my head in all directions to try and see something, but I couldn't. Then, fast as a lighting, the lamps turned on making it so bright that I had to close my eyes. After a long time I could open my eyes fully and what I saw frightened me. There, right before my eyes he stood just staring at me, my ex-boyfriend, Nick. I almost screamed when I saw him because I was both scared, confused and angry. He just took me away from my alphas and away from everything, my life. He just stood there with his fucking smirk on his ugly-ass-face. I just wanted to punch it away and make him regret that he ever fucked with me.

"What the fuck are you doing you son of a bitch?" I snarled at him. At that he just smirked even more and came closer to me as I was tied down on a chair. I couldn't move backwards because then the chair would welt and he would have the satisfaction of seeing me struggle and I didn't want to give him that, so I just sat there and glared at him. When he was just some centimeters away from my face he whispered "I came here to close unfinished business" "And what the fuck do you mean by that?" I spat at him. He leaned down to my ear and whispered again "That means that I'm here to mate you and make you mine forever". At that I gasped and pulled back so fast that I fell backwards and hit my head in the stone flooring. After that I just felt myself getting weaker and I soon slipped into unconsciousness.

Zayns P.O.V

I sat in class with Louis beside me. I tried to take some notes but all I could do was stare at him, my mate, *chough* okay, okay, our mate. He sat there and scribbled down some notes with e holding his hand and stroked my thumb on the backside of his left hand. After a while he rose and made his way downwards and to the teacher. He said something to him and then made his way out of the classroom. He left all of his things so I figured that he just went to the toilet.

When he hadn't made it back in over 10 minutes I started to get really worried about where he went. I rose to my feets and made my way to the front of the class and to the teacher. When I got there the teacher looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't smile right now because I didn't know where the fuck my mate was. When the teacher saw my look he started to get a little irritated. "What do you want Mr.Malik?" he asked with a bored tone. "Do you know where Louis Tomlinson went?" I asked him as nice as I could. He just answered that he was going to the toilet and that he should be back at now. At that I just snapped. "Does it look like he's back or are you just fucking blind !" After that I just stormed out of the classroom to try and find my precious omega. I didn't even know why I got so mad at the teacher but I did and now I have to find my mate.

I ran to the restrooms to see if he was there. I started with the one closest to our classroom. When he wasn't there I looked at all of the restrooms in school, in our room and all of the toilets around the dorms, but nothing. When I couldn't find him I didn't know what to do so I just screamed or more like roared because I'm an alpha after all. When I roared The whole building I was in started to shake and I heard some whimpers around me. The next thing I know my mates are around me and tried to calm me down before getting really worried about why I screamed like that. I told them about what I had discovered and we all came to the same conclusion, he was kidnapped.

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All the love -S

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