Somewhere In Neverland

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Chapter 13; Somewhere In Neverland- All Time Low

Skylar's POV

After the show finished, I almost forgot about the pranks Aria and I set up but as we neared the tour bus I remebered. I turned to Aria smirking, they were in for a treat. MWAHAHAH

Aria and I subtly moved towards the back and let the others go in before us. We shared a quick look and small fist bump. When we got in I quickly ran and sat on the couch so I didn't look so suspicious .

"Babe, are you alright?" Luke asked me referring to me running to the coach.

"Who? Me? Pfft yeah in fine!!" I said laughing nervously and picked up a magazine and shoved it in my face pretending to read it.

He looked at me weirdly then walked off to the bedroom. Aria came to sit next to me while we waited. Michael went to have a shower ;). And Ash went to his bunk to sleep. Calum went also and laid in his bed.

After a few seconds, Calum screamed.

Ashton sprang out of his bed shirtless and started hopping like a kangaroo and started repeating the word 'eww' like a girl.

They both ran into the living room at the same time holding each other. Aria bit in a laugh, trying so hard but failing as we burst out into laughter.

"Ttheres a a sspider iin mmy bbunk!" Calum stuttered. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Look at my back!" Ashton screamed. His shirtless back was covered in black slime.

"Oh hhow did you do that Ash?" Aria asked laughing quietly.

"Well basically I......hang on a minute.......IT WAS YOU IT WAS YOU WASN'T IT" Ashton screamed but smiled as well and then came running towards me and Aria and tackled Aria as I dodged out of the way.

"Wait....wait.......THAT WAS A FAKE SPIDER WASN'T IT!" Calum cried out looking towards the bunk until I laughed and he turned.

I was tackled to the ground and Calum started playfully pinning me down. But I just laughed.

"DON'T LAUGH AT ME.........NO STOP IT........STOP LAUGHING !" Calum said when I didn't stop laughing.

He got off me when he heard a squeal. Luke came running in.

"My music is being weird" he said looking terrified pointing to his phone in his hands that had headphones dangling out of it. You see Aria changed the playlist that he falls asleep to, to some hella creepy music.

Aria and I looked at each other for a split second before bursting into laughter again. Although Aria was covered in slime, she still laughed.

Suddenly Mike came in looking horrified. His hair was dyed neon pink thanks to Aria and I's beautiful work.

"MY HAIR IS FUCKING PINK!" Michael screamed at us.

"Hey don't swear!" Ashton whispered.

"Shut up Ashton, I do what I want I'm punk rock!" Michael snapped.

"Just because you wear eyeliner don't mean your punk rock!" Ash said giggling.

"You. have.!" Cal sassed.

"Oh fuck youuu!" Mikey glared at him..

"And fuck you!" Mikey shouted at Aria and I but we fell on the floor laughing our asses off likes there's no tomorrow. Michael stormed off.

"Ohhh we're gonna get you back for this" Ashton said laughing evilly and walked off.

"Mm hmm yes we are!" Calum sassed again before following Ash.

"Wait I'm so confused" Luke said looking genuinely confused af.

Calum walked back in quickly in loud steps grabbed Luke's arm and stormed out.

Once they left Aria and I started laughing again.

"SHUT UP!" Mikey shouted.

"I guess we better sleep here tonight Sky!" Aria said smiling.

"Yeah. Let's get some rest" I said laughing quietly. "Oh and be careful, we don't know what they are up to, try not to retaliate." I added before drifting off to Somewhere in Neverland.

A/N I am updating straight after this so don't go anywhere. I will be doing an authors note with some important news.

whoops, wrong number! ~ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now