Something About The Way You Look Tonight

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Chapter3; Something About The Way You Look Tonight- Elton John

Luke's POV

I can't even explain how happy I am that she said yes I mean she is way out of my limit, she's drop dead gorgeos and I am Mr awkward Penguin, no matter how many times I call myself that, it will never change. I walked out of the studio grinning so wide, I can't wait or tomorrow. I climbed into the car and sat at the back so no one could bother me. About 2 minutes into the car ride Ash started talking to me.

"Hey Luke are you alright back there?" he said holding back a laugh.

"Yeah he's happy because he scored himself a date with the oh so lovely Skylar!" Calum said wiggling his talented eyebrows.

"Oooooooh, Luke's in loooovveee!" Mikey said sounding like a teenage girl teasing her bestie on a sleepover. That got me thinking I wonder what girls do on their girly sleepovers.

"Shut up, i'm not 'in love', I just really like her an i just want to see where this takes us!" I said smiling as i thought of her.

"Oh sure" Ash said sarcastically. "He is secretly head over heals for her!" he muttered to the boys not realizing i could hear every word.

"Whatever, your just jealous!" I said confidently smirking.

We got to the hotel and I immediately went to Calum and I's room and flopped on the bed and took my phone out. I went on twitter and scrolled through my timeline checking what people were tweeting and following some fans. Calum came in and sat on the other bed switching the TV on. I silently hoped he wouldn't start teasing me, I mean it was kind of funny but not for me.

"Lukey you know we are only kidding, we are honestly happy for you, I mean you haven't been through the best relationships and we want this to be perfect for you, honest." Calum said and he sounded like he was telling the truth. I remained on my phone until he started poking my cheek and I eventually gave in and we started laughing.

"But promise me what ever happens with this girl..................CAKE'S STILL ON!" Calum screamed.

"Ok fine, I promise!" I said chuckling.

My phone flashed so I checked the notifcation and nearly screamed for joy as I saw a new text from Skylar. I swear I heard Calum say "And he's off again", I just laughed. I jumped onto my bed unlocking my phone to read the message sent from the beuatiful angel that got put on this world, well made by.......her.......parents.......that.....ya now.....did.... God I'm so awkward!

From Skylar the Amazayn!; To Lukeyy penguin

Hi Luke, just wondering what time tomorrow this date is, cos you know what girls are like before dates. Maybe you and the boys could come over to Ariana and I's appartment for the afternoon after more songwritin?xxx<3

From Lukeyy penguin; To Skylar the Amazayn

Yeah that sounds great for the daytime and our date will be in the evening around 7:30pm. If thats okai with youuuuuuu!xxxxxxxxxx

From Skylar the Amazayn!; To Lukeyy penguin

That's fine by me, can't wait ;)xxxx

After our text conversation I told Calum the plan for tomorrow and then got ready for bed, I think we all need a well deserved rest rom all that writing today. The song was amazay-----, I meant amazing. Ok fine it was AMAZAYN. Welcome to the language of directioners people.

Skylar's POV

I woke up and decided to make some pancakes because I dunno, I felt like it. I mean it's not because I am feeling excited for my date this evening. I got the ingredients and started mixing them up, as i did so i started dancing. Soon Aria arose from her magical sleep and joined me by dancing in the kitchen. When we stopped we looked at each other and bursted out laughing. God we are so weird. I carried on with the pancakes, while Aria sat and watched (let's just say i am the cook of the appartment)

whoops, wrong number! ~ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now