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Chapter 22; Unpredictable- 5sos

Skylar's POV
Last day in the hospital before they discharge me. I can't wait! I have been here for the past week. The boys and Ariya have been non stop taking care of me. We decided to go back on tour straight after, I wasn't gonna let them stop because of me. Luke suggested I go back home so I don't get hurt again but then he thought about how we just got back together and he didn't want me away from him or the boys. All Aria has been doing is apologise and frankly to be honest, I've had enough of it. Calum and Ashton helped me put together a little film with all Of Aria and I's memories using my laptop. Michael is a lot calmer Jakes now in prison, but he still is treating me like a baby, hopefully after the hospital everything will go back to normal. Emma and the 1D boys were relieved I was ok. Emma even face timed me telling me she couldn't wait to see me Angel and Ashtyn are going home for a bit and then come on back on tour with us later in October.

Right now they are actually with me, the boys have gone to get Chinese take out so we don't have to eat the horrible hospital food.

"I can't wait to get out of here!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up and letting out a large humph.

"Don't worry after lunch, they are doing another check up then we can go!" Angel said laughing at my childness.

"Good. I couldn't last another minute in here" it said stubbornly.

"Aww babe, it's not that long!" Aria said.

"Yeah she's right" Ashtyn said agreeing with Aria. "pluuuuus, the boys are bringing back noodles!" She added tickling me a bit.

I laughed an the girls joined in with me.

"I'm sorry again. this shouldn't of happened." Aria said looking down.

"Angel pass my laptop!" I demanded. She passed it to me and I set it on my lap, Aria came and say with me in the bed and I pressed play on the video revisiting some of our favourite memories. Once the video had ended Aria has tears in her eyes.

"Ariana Jamie Waters, you did nothing wrong. You see that video, those were are HAPPY memories and ones I will never forget. When I was with Jake, firstly you didn't know, heck, I didn't even know! When he started to hurt me I didn't tell you, it's not your fault you didn't find out! And when you did find out and he started even threatening you, We were both fucking scared, I didn't except you I call the police I didn't want you to. I didn't want you to get hurt. None of this was your fault. You remember that ok?" I said wiping her tears.

"O-ok" she stuttered smiling.

"Aww you two are the sweetest!" Ashtyn squealed. Angel snapped a picture of us by surprise and we both looked ridiculous. We all hugged.

"Right. Now let's think of happy things!" Angel announced.

"A few weeks ago Luke and I were brushing our teeth and when we were done we both had a staring contest in the bathroom mirror which he won! He started laughing at me and so I stuffed a long piece of toilet paper in the back of his trousers and then me him and Ashton went out for lunch and everyone was staring at him." I said as the girls burst into laughter.

We continued telling embarrassing stories for a bit then I remembered something.

"Aria ,the boys. They still haven't pranked us!" I said worried.

"Oh shit yeah!" Aria said. "Hey if they do prank us, will you two join up with us?" Aria asked the girls.

"Sure!" They said.

"Good. I wonder when this prank war will end" jut after I said that, the boys entered with food.

"Hey girls!" Ashton said cheerily kissing Angel's cheek.

whoops, wrong number! ~ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now