She's Not Afraid

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Chapter 7; She's Not Afraid- One Direction

Skylar's POV

The past few weeks have been amazayn, I mean I haven't been in a relationship know....then. And I am glad I have broken the walls I have built and let Luke into my life. Not all boys are bad, especially not Luke......he just can't be bad I mean look at him.....kinda shy, cute, penguin-like. I know he isn't going to hurt me. And if he does he will get his ass kicked by Aria. I really like Luke and I hope we stay together for a long time. I don't think I jumped in to the deep end by becoming his girlfriend, we have been dating long enough, I mean some people become official on the first date! 

I jumped two stairs at a time to get to the landing and skipped into the kitchen where I saw  Aria making a cheese toastie. I made one too and we ate at the table. We both managed to still be hungry so we decided to make cookies as well. We made them without them getting burnt then lay on the sofa while they cool off. Suddenly the door barged open and in came all four boys. You see ever since I gave Luke a spare key they just let themselves in whenever they want to at the most annoying times. They might come in twos, threes, fours, and even by themselves. Like randomly Michael comes in to eat the food I make and then Calum would come in with a football and force me and Aria to play with him in the park. And Ash will just come and show me weird videos of pandas sneezing. The only one who has a productive reason to come in here is Luke because I am his girlfriend. But I never said I didn't like it, I have become really close to the boys as well as Aria (and she has a thing for Calum).

They walked over to where we were sitting down with us. As my legs were taking up the sofa ,because I was laying on it so I was looking up, Michael decided to sit on my legs. I immediately shoved him off, causing him to fall and knock over Ashton who knocked over Calum, who knocked over Luke. They were all a big pile on the floor, they groaned as I laughed and got up.

"I smell cookies!" Calum exclaimed sniffing from where he was in the pile. 

"Yes because we baked them!" I said in annoyance.

Aria and ran to the kitchen leaving the boys to sort out there mess, we put the cookies on six plates and brought them out. Michael was setting up fifa while Ash and Calum were laughing over something on thier phones. We gave them their food and Aria joined Michael. I looked around and saw Luke on the balcony. I took two plates out and sat beside him Luke acknowledged I was there and smiled gratefully as he took his plate. I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked out at the dark sky which the stars ignited. Even though it was only 4pm, it was dark! Well what can you expect eh? Its England. 

"Do you ever think about the future?!" Luke asked. I took a bite out of my cookie, which was surprisingly good, and then replied.

"Yeah. I hope to still have my job, been to New York at Christmas, live here still, still be friends with Aria, Cal, Ash and Mikey, completed everything on my list and of course have you in my life!" I finished.

"List?" Luke questioned with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Yeah kinda like a ......bucket list?!" I said unsure. "What about you?" 

"Well I have been thinking about this since I asked you to be my girlfriend, I want you to be a huge part of it, I want to have had success with your band, and I hope that one day I will be settled in with a family and a more quiet life after the band" Luke said thoughtfully.

I smiled "Well I hope we stay together for a long long time and Luke I know you guys are going to do well, don't even question it" 

"Ok well if you say so, Come on lets go inside!" He said taking both our empty plates inside.

The others were playing fifa so we sat with them, mainly talking to each other and not paying attention to them. After a while we were all bored. So we just sat on the couch.

"Hey I have an idea, lets play German Spotlight?!" Aria shouted.

"What the fuck is German spotlight?" Micheal said.

"Well basically, you close the curtains everywhere and turn the lights off so it's dark, luckily it is dark also outside. The darker the better. There is a base which can be the kitchen and a seeker. So everyone goes and hides around the apartment and whilst the seeker counts to lets say 40. Then once he or she is finished they go and look for everyone else. When they find someone they have to shine a light on them and guess who it is. If the seeker guesses right, that person goes and helps find the rest. If your still hiding and they haven't found you, if the coast is clear, run to base before the seeker can catch you and then when everyone gets back the seeker will say who was caught first and then they're seeker.

"Why can't it be called something else why German Spotlight?" Michael said getting on my last nerve.

"Well I dunno probably because it's a German game" I said angrily.

"But still, it's a weird name!" Michael said.


"Did you just shout at me?!" Michael said sternly but had a cheeky smirk playing on his pale lips.

"Right, that's it!" I said tackling him to the floor. He started fighting with me on the floor. Until Ash pulled us off each other. 

"Alright, alright calm down let's play okay?" Ash said. Then Michael came right up to me breath on my face.

"Game on." Michael said smirking again.

"Fine. Let the best person win!" I said smiling. He pushed you and walked to base laughing. Little bitch. Now obviously this is playful banter, not serious.

Michael went first at being seeker. We all hid around the kitchen, I just hid in the cupboard in my bedroom. I heard Michael say Ready or not here I come. After a while I heard a girly scream........................................y'all guessed right Calum Hood! More screams were heard so I came out of hiding. As soon I walked out of my room I saw Mike opposite me probably smirking but I couldn't see his face,only his silhouette smirking. I raised my eyebrows a him and in a flash I ran up to him pulled his pants down and ran down to base laughing.

I got down and saw Luke and Ashton. I turned and saw Michael glaring at me with Calum at his side. Michael flipped me off and we did the next round, Calum was seeker.

I hid under the bed as Calum counted. I waited for ages hearing people asking where I was. I chuckled from i under the bed. I heard them starting a new round, so I walked towards the bathroom.

"Where do you think your going?!" I heard Michael say. So I trie to run but he tripped me up. And then another person came in, Calum, the seeker. Shit. So I got up and ran to base passing the others who all tried to get me but I got there in one piece!

"Let's do something else, she's too good!" Calum wined.

"Fine let's watch something!" Aria said so we went to the living room and sat in front of the TV. I cuddled into Luke as Calum put in Mean Girls. We ate popcorn, threw popcorn and laughed at everything anyone said. We just had a good time. I chose a horror movie so Michael turned the lights off to give more of an effect.

Luke's POV

Yes! A horror movie, I can have an excuse to kiss her every time she gets scared. We started the movie which was pretty good. Every scary part she didn't even flinch. Maybe it's not that scary, it will get scarier though? Right? I waited but she didn't get scared. Well I've learned something about her, She's not Afraid of scary movies. Because it was dark no-one would see us, so I pulled her closer and kissed her, she smiled through the kiss showing she liked the ways we kissed in the dark.

I really do hope I stay with her for a long time.

A/N Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I promise I will start updating frequently. Maybe once a week? Anyway FOUR is amazayn can I just say. I loved it! And Just Saying by 5sos is pretty awesome too!

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