Better Than Words

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Chapter 5; Better Than Words- One Direction

Skylar's POV 

I got out of the door and walked up the stairs to my appartment, I turned my head and Luke was standing behind me. I jumped and held the door for support. I looked around to see if anyone saw band then walked closer to Luke.

"What are you doing here Luke, you scared the shit out of me.!" I said whispering the last part of the sentence.

"Well I just was sitting in my car after you left and started thinking about how in movies or books when they finish dates and the boy or girl walks their date up to their door and they both share their first kiss with each other. Now I know i've already kissed you but I just liked the idea of it ya know....?!" Luke said smiling shyly when he finished talking.

"Luke shut up and kiss me" I said realizing last time we were standing outside my appartment it wa the other way round, he kissed me.

We shared an long passionate kiss that lasted 30 seconds until it became more heated and I put my hand in his hair while he rested his long arms around my waist. It wa nice until the door opened and an angry Aria stepped out. She cleared her throat and Luke and I jumped apart.

"Shit!" Luke exclaimed tidying his hair while I brushed the skirt of my dress.

"Lets get some thing straight. One, I was having a rest until I heard two people making out outside my appartment, Two, you brought her back late, Four, Sky ate all the nutella, Three, did you two love birds have fun, well....not too much fun." Aria said not realising he mixed her numbers up.

Luke nervouly laughed and looked at me as if to say 'you explain' I glared at him playfully and turned smiling at her. "Ok One, it was just a kiss, Two, that's not my question to answer, Three I was hungry, Four yes we did have fun, it was amazayn.!" I said really quickly.

"Yeah it was the best date I have ever been on, don't worry I didn't try anything on her!" Luke said awkwardly.

I walked in the appartment and was about to call Luke in but Aria being Aria smiled really widely and said "K bye!" and slammed the door on him. Next she pulled me to the sofa and demanded me to tell me abou the date.

Luke's POV 

I went home after that laughing, Aria is well funny. I have to admit that date went really well and I wouldn't of expected that. I mean I thought she would think I was weird but no she said it was the best ate she had ever been on. You don't know how happy I am.

I walked into me and Cal's room yawning, I am so glad he wasn't awake because he would have bombarded me with questions. I jumped on the bed and took my phone out.

From Sklar The Amazayn; To Lukeyy penguin

Hi Luke, just want to tell you so sorry for Aria's behaviour she wanted to know about the date so as punishment, I said I will tell her tomorrow. Anyways the date was really good. Thank you handomexx

From Lukeyy penguin; To Skylar The Amazayn

Naaahh don't worry it was ok, I am sure we both need some rest. Ha ha well she deserves that, and I think we will get  along, I mean she is my girlfriend bestie. Awww it's ok, it was great fun and you looked stunning babexxxxx

From Skylar The Amazayn; To Lukeyy penguin

So i'm your girlfriend now! Well then boyfriend good nightxxx

From Lukeyy penguin; To Skylar The Amazayn

NOO wait don't worry forget I said that. That question won't be asked until later this month :-)

From Skylar The Amazayn; To Lukeyy penguin

Ohhhh that quetion, already thinking of marrying me Lucifer!

From Lukeyy penguin; To Skylar The Amazayn


Oh my god why did I say that. Oh well atleast she didn't  say that she didn't want to be my girlfriend. I have to plan that  quetstion, I was thinking of taking her on a picnic. I don't know why I got so lucky, she is so goergoues and amazayn and funny and just urghghgh Better Than Words!

A/N I am soooo sorry that I have not update in age and i promised to.  It's just I had so much on and this chapter was shit I know. But I had a few tests this week so I had to revise. An last week was my birthday! I got a lot of 5sos and 1D presents and cards. But next week is half term so I promise I will update loads next week. K byeeeeeexxxxxx

Btw in English we had to write about an inspirational person (I don't now why, I think the cover teacher didn't get the leson right) But anyways I did mine about..............5SOS.........yeah.....pretty predictable but yeah I did put a lot of input in that!

whoops, wrong number! ~ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now