Out Of My Limit

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Chapter 3; Out Of My Limit- 5 Seconds Of Summer

Skylar's POV

I walked into the appartment with a huge smile on my face, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I walked in and sat on the sofa sighing. I was about to fall asleep and hope to dream about him but then suddenly............

"ARGHGHGHGHGHGH!" Aria screamed hitting me with her fists.

"Owwwwww, that really hurts, stop!" i shout  pushing her off me.

"Oh its you!" Aria said holding her chest and then joining me on the sofa sighing.

"Well who did you think it was?" I asked still shocked as of what happened.

"I dunno, I heard some noise from downstairs and I thought there was some sort of bugular. I thought you came back ages ago, but you only came back now, what were you doing?!?!" Aria said.

"Sorry, you know Luke, he is in London! He was following me and so i turned around and he told me that he overheard us in the resturaunt and knew i was the girl from the phone, so we had a getting to know coversation, which was twenty questions then he walked me here and he had two more questions from the game and one was When can i see you again and i said who knows and then he asked let me kiss you and he kissed me and it was so amazayn and omg like yeah!" I rambled

"Luke Hemmings is here?!?" Aria screamed. "And he kissed you, omg omg omg you guys will be the perfect couple and you will get married, have kids..."

"No no no Aria" i cut her off. "1, I dont even know if i will see him again, 2, wooow have kids with him?, we just met, 3, he is way out of my limit!" I said quickly.

"I know but you have his number right?" Aria pressed on "if he said on the phone he wants to know you, followed you around and asked to kiss you, he is not giving up so quickly!"

Then Aria got up and left, leaving my speechless, man how many times am I gonna be left speechless thats happened so much today. I went got changed, brushed my teeth, washed my make up off and got into bed. Then I started thinking about him. Maybe Aria was right I mean boys don't just do things like that, maybe he does want to know me. I just really want to see him again. I need to have some rest and think more in the morning.

Luke's POV

I got back to the hotel and tried sneaking into Calum and I's room without anyone noticing. But I was wrong so wrong. Ash and Michael were playing video games so i tried turning and wallking out but i felt and hand tug me back and turned and saw Calum behind me shaking his head and Ash and Mikey looked up from the game they were playing. "Think you could get away with us not knowing what happened?!" Calum asked. I shook my head. "Hmmmmm i didnt think so!" Calum said sassily clicking his fingers.I gulped and Calum pulled me to the couch where i sat and they all turned and looked at me so i decided to tell them what happened. After i finished they all looked shocked and looked at me.

"Wow that is weird i mean usually you are shy in front off girls you like!" Ash said ruffling my hair.

"Yeah well done mate, get in!" Michael said patting my back, more like hit it!

"LUKE HAS A GIRLLLLFRIENDDD!!!!" Calum screamed.

"Yeah well i must have been confient today, and thanks and she isnt my girlfriend we havent even been on a date, but i doubt she will want to, she is way out of my limit!" i said annoyed.

"Cheer up mate, she might I mean she sounded like she enjoyed it, she could have walked away from you. I think we all need a sleep, especially you Lukey!" Ash said reassuringly.

Skylar's POV

I woke up and went straight down to the kitchen and made myself a coffee thinking about him. I just want to see him again, maybe I should call him later, i mean what harm could it be. Then something struck me, what if this was all a joke, what if it was some sort of prank?. Then again if it was he must be ssome stalker if he knew where i was yesterday. And plus called him. I then suddenly got a call from Tamara, who works at the same studio as me and is my other friend. 

Tamara: Hiya babe, just wondering, i am feeling sick today and i was gonna write some songs with a band for their new album but i can't now so could you go I mean you are amazing at song writing you should be great?!

Me: Sure, i will do my best, and hey it could be a band I like. Hope you get better and i will see you soon yeah?

Tamara: Thank you so much, and yeah i hope so. I have just been throwing up a lot. And yeah we will ssee each other soon hopefully!

Me: Ok bye! Let's hope you are not pregnant

Tamara: I sure hope not anyway bye!

I got off the phone and rushed to get ready because i want to get there on time and everything. So i put my contacts in, threw on some clothes washed my face and brushed my teeth, put a bit of make up on and grabbed a breakfast bar. I then left a note for Aria saying where I was andd rushed out of the house and got the train even though it wan't a long way away.

I walked in and told my boss that I was filling in for Tamara. She said it was fine and told me which room to go to sso i ran there, dragging my bag and guitar behind me. I got in there and got on my knees and started panting. I then slowly looked up and saw four faces staring down at me. I got up quickly and smiled. Then i started talking.

"I'm sorry i am late, i got told i was gonna be writing with you, like 30 mins ago because i am filling in for a friend so yeah, again i am so sorr----" I cut myself off as i saw some familiar blue eyes looking at me. I froze and realized it was Luke and he looked equally as shocked.

"Skylar?!" Luke said really suprised.

"Hi Luke, woooow wait you are the band that I am writing with?!" I said really exitedly.

"Yeah wow its just you didn't tell me you were a song writer!" Luke said.

"Yeah i am!" I said not knowing what else to say.

"Wait you two know each other?!" Calum asked. 

"Yeah this is Skylar the one i was with yesterday" Luke said looking at the boys.

"Oh cool, Lukey here like---" Michael was cut off by Luke saying "Lets write some songs yeaah?"

We all sat down making ourselves comfortable. I got my song book out because i thought about Long Way Home and well, it seems like a great song for them with guitars and everything. I told them my idea and chorus and gradually we got the verses done and we started to get a tune done. Then we found the perfect bridge and wow we make a good team man!

"Wow you are great at song writing Sky!" Mikey said.

"Yeah you are incredible" Calum said.

"Well i definetly want to work with you more on this album!" Ashton said grinning.

"Yeah and you are stunning!" Luke said blushing straight after.I was shocked by his comment.

We all looked at him and then there was a huge awkward silence. "Well you guys are amazing as well. And so talented at music and everything!" I said breaking it and then we said our goodbyes and Luke came and hugged me and i was so shocked. He took my hand and put something in it.

After they left i took a note out of my hand which read "Will you go out with me?" I looked around and saw Luke walking out with his phone out and he was pointing to it. So i texted him my reply.

To Luke the penguin: Yes<3

A/N Hope ya like it! Hopefully I will get a few chapters done this week. Thankyou all for reading this, it means alot. And have you heard Steal My Girl (1D), it is amazing i had it on repeat, the whole day. And the Good Girls music video, i couldn't stop laughing!

whoops, wrong number! ~ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now