Some Nights

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Chapter 6; Some Nights-Fun 

Luke's POV

Today is an important day that will be, hopefully, one of the important days of my life. Obviously some of these include days of our success of the band, first cover as a band, my wedding, first child and of course the many important days with my lovely family. But today, well today is a different day as it involves a girl, by the name of Skylar. I am going to officially ask her to be my girlfriend.

As you know the other week the subject of becoming a 'thing' got mentioned ore text, but that was by accident and she could have joking with me. So hopefully she will say yes. We have been on quite a few dates since that night, I don't know if it was too early to ask her, but oh well. I have got to know her quite well now, obviously i don't know her secrets but no matter how close we get, I will never push her into anything but hopefully we will grow to trust each other.

I am as nervous as hell, my hands are shaking like mad and I am sweating a lot. I got changed into a nice shirt with nice jeans and looked good boyfriend material but honestly I don't think that will help me with this situation. I asked Aria what things she would like for this to work out right. She told me that Sky loves strawberries and champagne. Random I know but I am thinking picnic but deserts only because it's a little different and all. It's 5 to nine and she will be knocking on my hotel at nine, we have both eaten at our own places and then after the desert picnic I will ask her. As well as strawberries and champagne, Aria, Calum an i baked butterfly cupcakes and iced them when Skylar was at work, surprisingly they turned out really well and look delicious.

I nearly jumped when I heard the door knock. Hopefully it goes well and I mean as well as my imagination, Aria really helped out but she told me that Sky has been through a lot, and she won't hesitate to chop my balls off if I hurt her, which I won't, might you ask. And Calum helped with the deserts and Ash an Mikey prepared a little speech that will end with "Will you be my girlfriend?" They made me learn it and Michael even pretended to be Sky. Well here goes............

*2 Hours Earlier*

Skylar's POV 


"Well I am sorry, actually I thought you knew, haven't you read the note, I put it on the table at breakfast" Aria said questioningly.

We both ran to the kitchen and ran to the table. I spotted it, a white envelope with a red ribbon. I scrunched me eyebrows in confusion at Aria. I opened the envelope.

*On the note* 

Hey Skylar

Later today at Nine come to my hotel room wearing something nice preferably a dress. But to be honest if you came in your PJ's I wouldn't care, you would still look stunning. Don't question it, just come, I have something to ask you~ Lukexxx

I turned to Aria shocked but very excited, I mean we have had dates and all, but this seems very formal, in a way I can't wait but there are still thoughts in my head, what if he wants to stop dating, but then again why would I need to wear a dress to that, or maybe he wants to have a nice date and then he will leave to go tour or something. No no no, Luke is too sweet for that. I need to think of the happy what ifs, yes, thinking about that Jason Derulo song, What if. Wait what, Skylar what are you thinking, Luke's not proposing to you. Well maybe, just maybe he might ask me to be his girlfriend. I would be so happy, but in a way I have been through tough relationships and I hope this one doesn't turn out wrong. You see I was in an abusive relationship, I don't want to go down that path again, It's isn't like I don't trust Luke, I mean I don't trust many men when it comes to relationships. You could say I went through a really tough time, but everyone has.

whoops, wrong number! ~ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now