When Can I See You Again

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Chapter 2; When Can I See You Again- Owl City

Aria pounced on me with a shopping bag in her hand, how much does girl need? I wonder that every day! She sat down next to me on the bench outside the store. She saw my face of confusion and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" she said, and then remebered something and proceeded "Was it because i left you?" I didn't answer so she poked my cheek "I'm sorry i'll tell you next time, it's just I saw this cute top and had to buy it, it was like it was calling my name" she said bouncing on her seat.

"No it's not you" i said still shocked in what happened a few minutes ago. "Something strange happened, which was partly my fault really, I mean I guess i typed the wrong number" I said still weirded out and i looked up at the sky. Ha ha like my name.... get it?.......... no.........ok sorry.

"Ok you've lost me, why don't we go have some lunch, it might cheer you up. And you can tell me the story unless you nearly got raped then tell. me. now!" she said rubbing my back gently. I didn't look up jut played with my sleeves. I don't even no why i'm acting weird, i guess i just want to find out more abou this Luke guy, who's been constantly on mind since the phone call.

"And i know just the place, it begins with an 'N' and end with an 'os' and in the middle, an 'and'" she said smiling and that made me smile too, knowing it was Nandos aka the best place ever!

"There's that smile" Aria said poking my cheek again, I shoved her off and we walked linking arms and skipping off to Nandos, what freaks are we? Eh?

Luke's POV

I just got off the phone to her, the one who's voice mesmerizied me, her sweet, soft, voice with a british accent, her adorable confused voice when she didn't reconize my voice, I could feel her great personality just by the tone of her voice. The one who i want to know more and want to see. The beutiful mystery girl who goes by the name of my mum. Just kidding I meant Skylar, or Sky. I don;t even know why i am getting so lovey dovey and talking shit. I feel like a fan speaking over the phone to their idol, I don't know i just want to know her, what i am really confused about is the fact that I, Luke Robert Hemmings, the awkwardest penguin ever, was so damn confident. I was brought back to reality when Michael shouted "Let's go to Nandos"

We made way to Nandos, you see we were here in London for a month or two to start writing some of our album and you see today we had a day off to go around town, we went sight seeing and now we are starving. Tomorrow we are going to a studio to write some song with a girl around our age who writes songs for people. We are going to see how it goes, and if it does, we are then going to write are few more with her. Ashton came up to me ruffling my hair.

"What's up mate?" he asked me, I said nothing. "Oh come on, you have to give me some answer. Calum started giggling from behind. Ashton and I whipped our heads round to see Michael whispering in Cal's ear. Calum's giggles turned into laughing, uncontrolable laughing. Ash turned to Michael asking why Cal was laughing.

Michael was about to speak but Calum cut him off. "LUKE HAS A CRUUUUUSHHH!" HE SCREAMED.People started looking at us, and Michael started laughing. Ash started too and was asking who. I shoved my hands in my pockets and stormed off into Nandos aka the best place ever! They should put that on the sign. I stepped in feeling the warmth surround me and the smell of chicken lurked in the air. I went and sat down at a table for 4. The other guys came in a few minutes later.

"Aww we are sorry for embarrasing you babe" Mikey said sitting opposite to me grinning like a chesire cat.

"What actually happened?" Ashton asked as Calum and him took their seats.

whoops, wrong number! ~ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now