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Chapter 18; Intoxicated- The Cab

Aleisha's POV

Fuck well that plan didn't work. I went to find Jake. I found him outside a restaurant looking in the window.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I will explain when we get home" I snapped.

Walking back to the car.

"Feisty, I like it. It's sexy!" I heard him and I felt his eyes on my ass.

When we got back I explained what happened.

"Aww baby. Sorry it didn't work. But I found something that might help us. That Skylar brat and her annoying friend are planning a surprise party for all of them and their girlfriends." Jake said smirking.

"Well then. That's our next plan. Let's just hope it works." I said getting closer to him.

"And I know what we can do now to let you have a little break from this evil plan." Jake said smiling.

I bit my lip and led him to the bedroom. At least this will be a distraction.

Skylar's POV

It's now been three weeks since we called up everyone that is coming to the suprise party and it's tonight! That reminds me, I need to get up. I climbed off Luke and pulled Aria from Calum's arms.

"Hey what was that for?!" Aria snapped, pulling away from me.

"Aria what day is it today?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Errrrrm, Friday?" she said confused. My eyes darted to her phone. So she checked.

"OHHH TODAYS THE SUPRI-----" Aria nearly screamed with realization written all over her face but i stopped her by putting my hand over her mouth.

"Keep it down, you will wake them!" I snapped pulling her away to the living room.

"Right. All the girlfriends and our friends flew in yesterday and today they are getting the venue ready so we don't need to worry about that. All we have to do is get eveyone to go out tonight and get our outfits ready!" I said ready to go.

"Well then. What are we waiting for?" Aria said smiling at me.

We got our outfits ready first. I got out a stripy black and white long sleeved top with cut offs on the shoulders and black sinny jeans and black boots. I curled my hair and put a red bow in it. Ariana, had a sleeveless blackk top and a black skater skirt with white heels. Once we got ready, I decided to see how the party was looking. It has been about 2 hours already and everyone I think is at the 1D bus.

"Hello?" A voice answered the phone.

"Hi Angel, just wondering how the party venue is looking?" I asked.

"Yeah it's great. The lights, food, DJ. Everything is basically set, Rose and I just blowing up ballons. Ashtyn, Amy and Chloe are sorting the playlists and Kaitlyn is already dancing haha. Your friends and siblings haven't arrived yet though!" Angel filled me in.

"Oh that's great, it's nice to see that your all getting along nicely. I will double check with Aria and I's family and friends. They were all on the same flight anyway. But if they come text me." I replied.

"Ok, what about the boys and Emma, what do they think's happening." She asked.

"We have just got ready and we are about to tell them that we are going out tonight. Hopefully they will have no idea." I said hoping.

"Ok, well I will let you go now but I will text you later! Bye." Angel ended the call.

I decided to ask where my lot are.

whoops, wrong number! ~ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now