Bringing The Leaders

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Queen Poppy, queen of all of Trollstopia, was in her pod scrapping. She felt something missing in Trollstopia but she just couldn't put her finger on it

What was missing?

Poppy then heard footsteps and turned around to see her younger brother, Cybil, come inside her pod with Leo

"You know Pops, we've gone on great adventures. Why don't the leaders just move to Trollstopia?" Cybil asked

"Yeah, Aunt Poppy." Leo asked

"They all have their duties in their own tribes. I can't just make them come over here Cybil." Poppy said

"Well what if they really DO want to live here in Trollstopia, but they just won't tell you." Leo said

"Very wise Champ." Cybil said

"Well I guessss the leaders would like to live here." Poppy said

"Exactly! And besides I'm sure everyone else would like it too! Getting an extra pair of-"

Val shoved Cybil on the floor


"I really want them too. So yes! We'll send out invitations to them by snail mail." Poppy said

"YES!!" Val smiled and immediately ran off

Cybil stood up and rubbed his head

"You think you could help me out here Cybil?" Poppy asked

"Hmmmm I don't know Poppy. I promised Sparky that I'd help with garden today." Cybil said

"Oh... well that's ok I guess. Go spend time with Sparky! Show Leo the way of gardening." Poppy smiled

Cybil smiled and left with Leo

Poppy sighed and sat back down working on her inventions for the leaders


Not much later Poppy was giving an invitation to a snail as they left. Poppy smiled and began to prepare Trollstopia for the leaders

Poppy came down by Branch's water slide

"Everybody get ready! It's finally the day we've been waiting for!" Poppy sang

"The leaders are coming! Let's show them the best version of the world!" Poppy

"Little extra spice to make it nice! Something something from the stereo! Gonna let them know the that they can feel at home! But only better." Poppy sang

She skipped through Trollstopia and grabbed Mr. Dinkles

"It's a special day! Yeah let's celebrate!" Poppy sang

"NOT AGAIN!!" Biggie shouted

"Let's all come together for the second time ever. So much magic in the air!" Poppy sang

"Let's all raise our voices, join in on the poris! Sing it loud without a care!" Poppy sang as she slid on the grass

Poppy gave Mr. Dinkles back to Biggie. She was excited to see her friends finally living, officially in Trollstopia

Holly went to Poppy with Asriel

"Oh hey Holly! Hi Azzy!" Poppy waved

"Howdy Poppy!" Azzy waved

"So! I heard a little rumor that you're invitin' all the leaders to our good ol' Trollstopia." Holly said

"You got that right Holly! And not just them. Others! Like the yodelers, the K-Pop Gang, the Reggaeton Trolls, and well Chaz." Poppy said

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