The Creatures Hidden In The Night (Part 4)

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The Leaders were all sleeping in the forest, in a pile on each other after a long night of furry fun like The Croods. That's when morning came and they were back to normal. They were still soundly sleeping

"Guys, wake up!" Someone said

"Huh? Is it school already? 😩" Trollex asked in his sleep

"Just five more minutes.." Barb said

"Oh no you don't..." They said and blew an air horn


They all woke up in a scared manner and then saw them selves all dirty and covered in mud. They looked up to see Branch

"BRANCH!! Cant you see we're sleeping in dirt!" Barb said

"Why... are we sleeping in the dirt?" Trollex asked

"I have no idea 🤷‍♂️" Trollzart said

"That's weird for you guys to all sleep in dirt but seriously why weren't at bed when Dr. Moonbloom clearly said to stay in bed and also D, why are you sleeping with them as well? 🤨" Branch asked

"Delta: I could've sworn!! I fell asleep in my bed last night." Delta said

"Yeah me too." Trollzart said

"Branch, I have no idea, the only thing I remember was going outside of my pod and then boom it went blank." Prince D explained

Branch sighed

"Come on guys I'm taking you to Poppy." Branch said

-At The Mushroom-

"Huh! Where are the leaders?" Poppy asked

"Mm, no idea maybe they're still sleeping." Val said

"And I didn't see Trollex neither." Synth said

"Or even Trollzart." Dante said

"Or our son 😨" Quincy and Essence said

"Hmmm this is definitely stranger than Stranger Things 🤔" Poppy said

"Sus -__-" Val said

"OR X-FILES!! 😃 It's a great show 👍🏼" Legsly said

"Yeah ok 😐" Poppy said

"And also my son is weirdly acting scared ever since the creature came along 🤨 and now he doesn't want to come out of his pod 😥" Lownote said

"Actually what is going on?" A Troll asked

"Yeah tell us Queen Poppy!" Another said

All the trolls started to ask questions to Poppy which started to get her under-pressure

"Ok everyone calm down, we might try to solve this problem, as long as we stay in our pods we might be safe from the creature and-"

"I FOUND THE LEADERS!" Branch shouted, inturrupting Poppy

"Huh?" Poppy turned to Branch

Synth shoved Val out of the way

"ARE THEY OK YO!!" Synth asked

"Yea they're ok, but their bodies are not, cause looks like they got in dirt last night." Branch said

The Trolls gasped seeing the leaders covered in dirt

"Omg what happened 😳" Poppy asked

"You know! Dirt is very refreshing." Barb said

"Not to me 😬" Laguna whispered to Demo

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