Portals and Unwanted Memories Pt. 4

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It was really quiet between Sparky and Barb for what felt like hours. They had a very heated argument, and said some stuff they didn't mean. This game was tearing them apart and Barb felt... alone again

Anytime the two wanted to talk, they would look away from each other every single time. There was a lot said and they hated it

Barb especially. Wanting to get rid of Sparky? She would never. Barb would never dream of hurting her. It sounded like a nightmare

Sparky just had this look on her face every time she looked at Barb. It was just like before when they hated each other

"Barb, I'm sorry for everything." Sparky said

"Yeah totally because you didn't mean what you said." Barb said with sarcasm, crossing her arms

"Well I guess I'm not sorry then!" Sparky said

"Pfft yeah whatever." Barb said

"Whatever then." Sparky said

It got quiet between the two again. Barb looked at Sparky and let out a light sigh. She said some stuff to and it wasn't ok or right for her to say

"Umm hey, I know I can be a pain and such a terrible, awful, disgusting person, and you deserve a way better cousin but I'm sorry too." Barb said

"A better cousin? Pfft your the only cousin I have." Sparky said

"Yeah, but umm I mean I can be such a disgraceful person, and you deserve better than that. I always bring up your past and that's not cool. You don't deserve me. You deserve someone better. It's no wonder you hate me." Barb said

"I don't hate you, and and plus you're not the only one who brings up my past, and I don't need someone to replace you." Sparky said

"You don't? B-but I'm such an idiot and an awful person." Barb said

"You're not an awful person Barb. Trust me." Sparky said

"But I- but I said I should've gotten rid of you. I said so many terrible things to you!" Barb said

"And I don't care what you say or do to me, just don't bring up the past and my parents." Sparky said

"Well umm alright. I just don't want you to leave me like everyone else has, all of my old friends who hurt me multiple times, I don't want that to happen again. I don't want to get hurt again, and when I'm with you, those bad thoughts just go away. I- I need you please don't leave." Barb said

"Barb I'm never gonna leave you. I'm always gonna be here for you no matter what." Sparky said

Barb smiled

"I'll try to believe that. Well now it's your turn to apologize. I did my bit." Barb said

"Ok fine. I'm sorry for everything I said, and I'm sorry for everything I said about Thrash, and I'm sorry for everything I said about you." Sparky said

"Yeah, because I am not a wimp." Barb said with a smile

"Yeah sure you're not." Sparky smirked

"Wha- hey!" Barb said

"Well if you're not a wimp then what are you?" Sparky asked

"Pfft! I'm a queen! Queen of Hard Rock." Barb said

"Well what about before you were a queen?" Sparky asked

"Oh umm..."


Barb looked at the ground. Barb always was a wild, immature kid who had no friends, and if she did it was because they would use her. Nobody ever cared about her except for Carol, Sid, Val, and Riff. Especially Riff they were siblings and did a lot together

"Let's just say a social reject with no friends. I was basically an outcast who was treated terribly, especially when I was just a little kid." Barb said

"Well at least you had people around you when you were  a kid." Sparky said

"Yeah terrible people. Always using me and taking advantage of me." Barb said

"Well at least they didn't try to "kill" you." Sparky said

"Yeah I can't argue with that, but they were close to it one time." Barb said

"That was one time." Sparky said

"Yeah, it's nothing compared to what you went through." Barb said

"Yeah... it's not... come on let's get out of this game." Sparky said

"That's a really good idea. I hate this place. Showed me so much stuff I didn't wanna remember." Barb said

"Then let's try getting out of this game, and next time we're not playing games." Sparky said

Barbs head jolted up and looked at her

"Hey, hey, whoa now. How about we play an actual game once we get out of here. You can pick this time. Any game you want. I won't complain." Barb said

"Hahahaha!! No -.- when we get out I'm going home." Sparky said

"O-oh... well that's fine then." Barb said as her ears drooped down

"Ok." Sparky said

Barb saw her walk away and sighed then shortly followed. What if it was her fault that Sparky didn't wanna play another game? Barb basically forced her to play this one when she wanted to play a different one.


The two found the exit to the game and looked at it. Barb just looked at Sparky. Sparky had a smile on her face as she quickly ran through the exit

Barbs ears drooped down again. Once she went through that portal Sparky was gonna go home to Leo. Maybe she could play a game with Scout and Carol

Barb went through the portal and was back in Trollstopia and saw R&B with Sparky

"Dang! Sounds like some real bonding happened." R said

"Good for you two!" B smiled

"Thanks! Well see ya." Sparky said

Sparky walked away and Barb went up to R&B

"Sooooo how was it?" R asked

"It was ok... I just wish we could've played another game together... I feel really bad.. she wanted to- she wanted to play a whole different game but I pushed her.." Barb said

"Well there's always next time." B said

"Yeah sure. There's never a next time with me and other people." Barb said

Barb walked away and went home to Carol and Scout. At least she was out, but she really wanted to spend time with Sparky some more

Trolls: Trollstopiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें