Portals and Unwanted Memories Pt. 1

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Barb was napping with with Scout on the couch while Carol was watching tv. When all of a sudden their door shot open which woke Barb and Scout up, but before Scout could cry, Barb put a skull pacifier in his mouth as he fell back asleep to see Sparky

"You almost woke him up!" Barb said

"Sorry! But I need to tell you something." Sparky said

Barb gave Scout to Carol and followed Sparky outside to R&B


They arrived to R&B's lab. Barb just looked at everything totally confused and unsure

"What are we doing here?" Barb asked

"Easy girl!" R said

"You're cousin wanted have some grand bonding with you! And what better way than games!" B said

"Games?" Barb asked

"Yes games!! Come on Barb it'll be so much fun!! :D" Sparky said

"Well umm ok. What games?" Barb asked

"Well R&B have lots of games for us to play." Sparky said

"Oh yippeeee let the science twins give us games to play." Barb said with sarcasm

"Barb come on! I will be fun I promise!" Sparky said

"Fine, fine, what games do you two have?" Barb asked

"Well we have Trolladungeon." B said

"And Enter the Chamber." R said

"They sound ridiculous." Barb said

"Barb! Ahhah um do you guys have game that are more...fun?" Spark asked

"We have one." B said

"But it's never to be played -.-" R said

"Well why not?" Sparky asked

"Yeah, why not?" Barb asked

"It's not a safe game." R said

"It has ways of getting into your head." B said

"SICK!! :D" Barb said

"Ok um Barb, how about we play a game that's... safe." Sparky suggested

"Oh come on Cuz! We want to have fun! And I learned that danger is always the funnest way." Barb smirkEd

"Did we mentioned it targets those who are full of themselves?" R&B asked

"Full of themselves?" Ok Barb, look I think we were both taught different because I learned danger is bad! So how about we go eat or something?" Sparky suggested

"Relax Sparks. It's just a game. It can't hurt us." Barb said

"Ok, but if it does I'm blaming you -.-" Sparky said

"Hah... of course. None taken." Barb smirked

"So you really wanna play?" R asked

"Of course! How we do we play?" Barb asked

"Wellllll...." B pressed a button on the box

A worm hole appeared behind Barb and Sparky and they turned to look at it

"Uhhh is that the-"

"Yes. Now watch out for the tentacles." R said

"The tenta-what?" Barb and Sparky asked

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