The Monsters Hidden In The Night (Part 1)

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The Trolls were during their daily routine. The leaders were playing a board game. Poppy and Delta had a smirk on their faces as they were partners in the game

Barb and Trollex were thinking really hard. Trollzart and Prince D were looking deeply at the four as they were taking down points

Delta rolled a four and flipped the board

"HAH!! YES!!! LOSERS!!!" Delta shouted as the table fell on Barb and Trollex

Delta and Poppy were doing their little victory dance

"Anddddddd that 7 toooooo 0" Trollzart said

Barb and Trollex sighed annoyed

'You guys are cheating!" Trollex said

"Yeah!!" Barb agreed

"Orrrrrrr we're just that good and y'all suck." Delta said

"OHHHHHHHH!!!" Poppy said

Poppy and Deta shot confetti at the two making them both growl. Delta and Poppy ran out of the pod


Outside the pod was Marshtato Mary. She had a very terrible idea and did a little laugh

"Hmmmmmmmm I think I finally got a way to take over the Trolls! They listen to the leaders.. hmmmmm and their animals gosh!" She said to herself

Suddenly there was a little pup that came back and scratched it ear. Marshtato Mary suddenly got an idea and that mischievous smile came on her face


Marshatato Mary had the pup in her arms and kicked a door down. Someone in a hat flinched and turned around

"Mr. High! Hiiiiiii! I need a favor." She said

"And what's that?" Mr. High asked

"I need to borrow your book to turn the leaders into dogs." She said

"Sorry Marshtato Mary! This book isn't for that kind of cuteeeee stuff! This is very dangerous!" Mr. High said

"So?" She asked raising an eyebrow

"Well- you wanna turn them into dogs but- it won't do that it'll-"

Marshtato Mary sighed annoyed and just punched him in the face which made everything go black


Back in the pod the leaders were having another game. Barb rolled a 6

"Ooooooo sorry Barb!! You just got vaporized.." Prince D said

"WHAT!! That's bogus!!" Barb said

"Sorryyyyyy." Prince D said

Poppy rolled a 2

"Oh!! Well luckily Poppy's character is a healer and that made you come back to life! Justttttt you don't a finger on you left hand." Prince D said

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