Big Drop (Part 1)

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Poppy was sitting with Smidge and Delta in Country Corral doing what the three normally did. Smidge sighed in boredom watching the two drinking two ice cream slushies talking about what they've been up too lately

"So! I heard Holly won the beauty pageant last week. How'd that go?" Poppy asked with a smile

"Oh yeah! She did. She's been bragging about it." Delta said

"Really?" Poppy asked


"And last night! I won the beauty pageant!" Holly told a Troll that was in the shower

The Troll screamed and covered himself with his hands


Holly rusted into Barb's bathroom making Barb scream and fall in the tub while she was in the middle giving Debbie a bath

"Did you hear about how I won!!" Holly exclaimed


"Let me start from the beginning..." Holly started

Barb sighed annoyed and fell on the floor

Delta looked at Poppy and raised an eyebrow

"Ohhh..." Poppy sank into her seat

"It has been a whole week Poppy -.-" Delta said

"Yeahhh I Know. I mean at least she won!" Poppy said

"You say that now -.-" Delta said anonymously walking away

Poppy looked at her confused

"What does that mean?" Poppy asked

Delta walked more into the shadows

"WAIT DELTA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!?" Poppy asked again

Smidge ate a cherry while Poppy was freaking  out from Deltas words. Poppy looked around cautiously for Holly

"SMIDGE I"M SCARED!!" Poppy told her

"That makes two of us." Smidge said

Poppy continued to look and quickly rushed out of Country Corral. That's when Holly came from under the tale and grabbed Smidge from her dress




Poppy sighed relieved when she escaped. She was suddenly pushed onto the floor and screamed, fearing it was Holly

"Uhh Poppy?" Someone said

Poppy looked to see DJ on top of her and finally calmed down

"Oh DJ! Thank goodness. I thought you were Holly!" Poppy said relieved

"Yeahhh anyway!! I need your help." DJ said

"With what?" Poppy asked

"My buddy, Big Chainz is coming tonight! And He's gonna hold a a little Hip Hop sing off!" DJ said

"Ohhh! He sounds like Master Controll!" Poppy said

"Yeahhh." DJ asked

"Oh don't worry about it. It'll be fine." Poppy said

"Hope so." DJ said

"Anyway! You gonna take me to meet your friend?" Poppy asked

"OH!!! Right!" DJ said

The two walked off over to Guy Diamonds pod. That's where Big Chainz was staying while he was visiting Trollstopia for the week


Guy Diamond was giving Big Chainz his fourth thing of soda. Tiny was ask Big Chainz for advice in being more out with his singing career to which he answered,

"TD don't even think about it dawg. If you want to succeed and be as popular of a rapper like me! You gotta say "Forget you and all your rules!" and just live your life and tell others what to do." Big Chainz said

"It's that easy?" Tiny asked

"You got that right. Try it on your pops." Big Chainz suggested

"Well what do I say?" Tiny asked

"What do you want?" Big Chainz asked

"I want a soda!" Tiny said

"Then tell your dad!" Big Chainz said

"Ey daddy!!" Tiny said

Guy Diamond turned around

"Yes son?" He asked

"Get me a soda!" Tiny demanded

"Excuse me?" Guy Diamond asked

"D-Did I stutter! Get me a soda!" Tiny said

Guy sighed annoyed and gave Tiny a soda so he would stop being demanding that's when DJ and Poppy came into Guy's pod

"DJ! You're here!" Big Chainz said

"Yeah hey!" DJ said

"What are you doing here?" Big Chainz asked

"For tonight? Remember?" DJ asked

"Ohhhhhh right! It's nothing. I alwaysssss win!" Big Chainz said

"Well yeahhhhh! But don't you think you should at least practice? Trollstopia has a bunch of new Trolls that we don't what they have in Hip Hop." DJ said

"DJ! Sweetie! You're worrying too much. It's fineeeee." Big Chainz


"It's fineeeee. I'll see you there." Big Chainz said

He then left the pod making DJ sigh. That's when Guy Diamond went to her side

"Don't worry about him DJ. Big Chainz can be real selfish and doesn't know how to take care himself." Guy Diamond said with a smile

DJ looked at him and smiled

"Yeah! Y-You're right. Someone should put him in his place later tonight!" DJ said

"But who?" Poppy asked

The three began to think till they heard Tiny and each looked at him. They smiled at each other getting an idea

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