King Knox (Part 1)

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Knox was running around the playground while Barb was tuning her guitar, Poppy was scrapbooking, and Debbie was scratching.... Questionable areas...

Poppy looked up and saw a bunch of kids

"Barbbbbb he's small! What if the kids step on him!" Poppy said

"He's fine. Look at him." Barb said

They both looked at Knox struggling to climb the slide

"He does look like he's having fun. Awww I wonder what little game he's playing!" Poppy said with big puppy eyes

"Stand down peasants!" Knox said

Knox successfully got on top of the slide and put a trash bag on his head for a crown

"Yes! YES!! This is a throne worthy of a king!!" Knox said

It was a little playground set

"Bow to me you snotty underlings! Bow!" Knox said

The two kids looked at each other

"Ok!" One said

One did a handstand and the other shoved her head in the ground. Knox snickered and tapped his fingers together

"Yesssss! Appease your master 😈" Knox said

Keith came up behind him. Knox turned around

"This isn't for standing it's for sliding! You try." Keith said flicking Knox down the slide


Knox faceplanted on the ground and his nose started to throb

"Mommmmmmm!!!!!" Knox said

Knox ran and jumped on the bench, holding onto Poppy's arm

"That snotty mouth breather took my throne!" Knox said

"You mean Keith?" Barb said with a teasing smile

"No! The userpent!! I want you to go over there and blow him up into dust!! KABOOM!!" Knox said throwing his fist in the air

"Kaboom!" Keith said on the swing

"Yeah, I'm not using these new abilities to blow up a 5 year old. I'm pretty busy feeding Debbie right now." Barb said

Debbie chirrped as Barb scratches the back of Debbie's wing

"Awwww she's so cute! How did you get her?" Poppy asked

"Get? I practically raised her when she came out." Barb said

Debbie hopped on Barbs shoulder

"She's my best friend and we're bonded for life! Id annihilate anyone who'd hurt her -.-" Barb said

"Fine! Don't help!" Knox said

He jumped on the ground

"Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall to my hand alone!" Knox said and proceeded to laugh

He was shoved on the ground by Keith

"Tag you're it!" Keith said then ran off laughing

"Ohhhhh man here we go! Knox's squeak of rage!" Barb said

Knox got up and his face got red. He sat on the ground and proceeded to squeak in a fit

He got back up and squeaked more chasing Keith. Barb laughed

"Ohhhh he's like a little tea kettle!" Barb said wiping a tear and snorted

"Hey! What are your plans for this weekend?" Poppy said

"You know, I'm not sure! We should just- get away you know? I'm sure Sparks wouldn't mind-"

Sparky broke the wall behind them. They jumped and turned around

"Sparky! Hi!-"

Sparky put her finger on Poppy's mouth to shut her up. Poppy looked at her

"Your finger smells like peaches 😶" Poppy said

"They do?-" Sparky asked

"Yeah 😶" Poppy said

"Huh... weird." Sparky said

"Anywayyyyyy! Did you need something? You broke the wall." Barb said

"Oh! I heard something about getting away!" Sparky said

"Yeah! For just the weekend." Barb said

"Whelp! I'm coming!!" Sparky said

"Oh! I was gonna do if you could check on Knox every once in awhileeeeeee. I'm sure I can find another sitter." Barb said

"Oh... you want me to stay?" Sparky asked

"No! No! It's ok! I'll ask someone else it's no big deal." Barb

"Ooooooo!! You know who's a good sitter? Satin and Chenille." Poppy said

"Trueeeeeee." Sparky said

"Great! We can go ask them let's go!" Barb said

Barb and Poppy got up

"Knox come it's time to go!" Poppy said

"Just 5 more minutes!" Knox said

"Come on dude!" Barb said

Knox sighed and went down the slide and hopped in Barbs hair


They arrived in Satin and Chenilles pod and as always they were arguing over the dress material. Barb was drinking a box of ketchup. Sparky grabbed it and threw it out the window


"Hey girlssssss!" Poppy said

Satin and Chenille stopped and looked at them

"Hey Poppy!" Satin said

"Hi!" Poppy said

"What are you doing here?" Satin asked

"Wellllllllllllllll Barb needs a babysitter for Knox while we go out for the weekend." Poppy said

"Oh! A babysitter!" Satin said

"Yeah! And since you guys are really good at babysitting!" Poppy smiled

"We would love to babysit!" Satin smiled

"Really!!" Poppy said

"Yes!" Satin said

"T-that's great! Ok thank you!" Poppy said

"Welcome!" Satin said

"Ok!! Well we're gonna have to put some rules down." Barb said

"Rules? Ok!" Satin said

"Yeah! Because he's- super energetic it's terrifying! Anyway! He can only have one piece of candy and he has to go to bed exactly at 10 or he will be a freaking bee all day!" Barb said

"Ok!" Satin said

"Great! Alright thanks dudes." Barb said

She took Knox out of her hair and gave him to Satin. The three left and Knox suddenly having an idea

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