Portals and Unwanted Memories Pt. 3

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Barb looked around for any sign of Sparky but didn't see her anywhere. There's no way she would've left her behind. Maybe she did. Maybe she really was like everyone else

Barb looked around some more but nothing. How was she gonna out of here without Sparky. Barb never felt so close to someone before. Barb just had to beat the game and leave and get back home

Barb turned a corner and saw rainbow butterflies surrounding someone but then flew away to reveal...

"Sparks?" Barb called

No answer

"Hey... umm I'm sorry about before let's just beat the game and get out of here. You know, like the cousins we are. We can play any game you want after. How does that sound?" Barb asked

No answer. Barb put her hand on Sparky's shoulder

"Sparky?" Barb asked

Barb went closer to her but Sparky turned around and had glitches coming from the right side of her face

"OH CRAP!!" Barb shouted

Barb fell on the ground

"Oh Barb, it would be fun. Wouldn't it?" Sparky asked

"W-what happened to your face?" Barb asked

"Oh it's just a glitch Barbara." Sparkt said

"But you- what happened?" Barb asked

"You know Barb, a cousin never says stuff behind each other's back, especially when you talk about my dad." Sparky said

"I- I don't mean anything by it." Barb told her

"Oh I'm sure you just say it to make me feel sad since your dad is alive and mine isn't!" Sparky said

"I- I- I-.... I don't know how to express my emotions, please..." Barb said

"Hm too bad so sad. You had your dad your entire life and he is still here, and I only had mine for seven years." Sparky said

"C-come on cuz. Look I'm sorry ok? Let's just forget about it." Barb said

"How can I forget? My dad died right in front of me!!!" Sparky said, grabbing Barb by her shirt, pulling her close

"And I'm sorry that happened! Y-you didn't deserve it... l-let's just move on.." Barb said

"No!" Sparky said

"I- I..."

Barb tried to find something to say, but there was no words coming out


"C-cmon dude, let's just beat the game." Barb said with a nervous smile

"No... I think I might stay here forever." Sparky said

"What? N-no.. you have to come back.. I need you." Barb said

"Pfft need me!!?? No one needs me!!!" Sparky said, as her eye twitched

"That's not true! I need you... y-you make me feel safe. Please come home.." Barb said

"No... I'm never going home, I mean this place is way better than home!! No one their cares for me!!! Not even you!!" Sparky said

"I- I..."

Barb felt something building up in her eyes

"Screw you Barb!!" Sparky said, pulling her closer

"But we... we're so close.." Barb said

"Actually we WERE!!" Sparky told her

"But we- but I..." Barb was stuck on her words

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