Upsetting Blues Pt. 2

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Barb and Cybil were walking through Trollstopia looking for Sparky. Barb really wanted to figure out what was wrong. Cybil seemed to hate every second around Barb, but she didn't care

She just wanted to make sure Spaeky was ok and figure out what was wrong. Cybil just wanted to get this over with so he could get away from Barb already

"How long is it gonna take to find her?" Cybil asked

"Well not sure. Last time she was by Techno Lagoon." Barb said

"Well let go check to see if she's there." Cybil said


The two went over by Techno Lagoon. They looked around for Sparky and saw her looking at the water. The two went over to her. Sparky looked at them

"Hey dudeeee." Barb awkwardly said

"Oh hey." Sparky said

"You alright?" Barb asked

"Yeah." Sparky said

"Well I just came to check on you. You know, with all the zoning out you do." Barb said

"Everyone zones out." Sparky said

"Well yeah, but I've just been worried about you." Barb said

"I'm great Barb, and why is he here with you?" Sparky asked

"Oh he-"

"I'm worried to. Look Sparks, me and you might be going through something, but even I've noticed that you've been upset and wonky." Cybil said

"So after all these months, you come and say something to me now?" Sparky asked

"Oop." Barb said

"Well yeah? You didn't wanna talk to me." Cybil said

"...and there's a reason why I didn't wanna talk to you." Sparky said

"What reason?" Cybil asked

"..." Sparky looked at him confused

"What?" Cybil asked

"Nothing... I'm just tired that's it." Sparky said

Barb sat beside her

"Have you taken a nap?" Barb asked her

"No." Sparky said

"Maybe a nap would help. You look like you haven't slept." Barb said

"I have slept.." Sparky said

"Well whats wrong?" Barb asked

"... I don't know." Sparky said

"Well... maybe I can help. You've always helped me. Let me help you." Barb said

"I don't need help." Sparky said

"You look like you do. Come on..." Barb said

"No, I don't need it." Sparky said

"Sparks, just let me help." Barb said

"No! I don't need your help Barb! K, you and Cybil should just go and stop wasting your time." Sparky said

"I'm not going till I know you're ok!" Barb said

"I'm ok." Sparky said

"No you're not." Barb said

"I'm just tired Barb." Sparky said

"You're more than tired. What's wrong?" Barb asked

"Tired that's it." Sparky said

"Sparks I care about you." Barb said

"I know you do, but you wouldn't understand." Sparky said

"Try me." Barb said

"Do you ever get that feeling inside you, the feeling where you feel that pain and it doesn't go away, and you do what you can to hide it from people so they don't feel bad, and all you do is act like you're happy, and you do whatever you can to make sure the people around you happy, and you go home crying yourself to sleep all the time and start to think about stuff a person says or a mistake you did and you wish that it happened in a different way? And you just want that one person to hug you and tell you everything is gonna be ok, but you know that it's never gonna happen, and you think that one person you love so much, you wish that they will be by your side for the rest of your life, but they're not and there's nothing you can do about but try to move on,, but you can't, because you're heart is so broken all you can do is cry, and think, and wish they were next to you and you just keep all the pain inside you it starts to hurt more." Sparky said

Barbs eyes widened and looked at Cybil. Cybil rubbed the back of his neck. Barb took a deep breath and gave Sparky a tight hug

"I do understand.. I understand all too well. It's ok Sparks, I'm not good with advice, but maybe therapy would work." Barb said

"Therapy? No." Sparky said

"They can help you. I went to therapy and they helped a lot. They can help you too." Barb said

"What are they gonna do? Have me speak out my mind and what?" Sparky said

"They'll give you advice." Barb said


"I swear. I highly recommend it." Barb said

"Eh... I don't know." Sparky said

"You'll love it I swear. They're very nice." Barb said

"Fine.." Sparky said

"Great." Barb said

Cybil and Barb watched Sparky leave. Barb was glad to finally get in her head and convince her to take it. She didn't like Sparky being in pain

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