The Break 💔 Pt. 2

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At Branch's game show, The Trolls all sat in different seats as they watched the other six Trolls sitting on stage in booths. Branch was wearing a suit and Barb was wearing a black hoodie that Satin and Chenille made

"Hey all you Trolls of different tribes! Welcome to Couples Night! Starring, Sparbil, Carb, and Growly Chaz!" Branch smiled

"Did you just come up with that?" Poppy asked

"Yeah." Branch said

"Interesting." Poppy said

"Anyway! The way this game works is, I'll ask these three lovely couples a question and they will choose between A, B, or C. One of them will use this remote to choose what they think the answer will be." Branch explained

Poppy smiled

"Now Sparky and Cybil." The two said

"Cybil, Sparky has bad breath." Branch said

"WHAT?!!" Sparky asked

"It's just pretend." Cybil said

"Sweet." Sparky smiled

"Do you A: Tell her she had bad breath, B: don't say anything because you love her, or C: dump her." Branch said with a smirk

Sparky pressed the middle button on that she Cybil would choose and the middle was B

"Wellll it's not very nice to those tell her or dump her, so B: don't say anything." Cybil said with a smile

The answer appeared on their booth and the answer was B

"YAY!!!" Sparky and Cybil shouted and gave each other a hug

Branch went over to Growly Pete and Chaz

"Now Growly Pete, Chaz had a pimple on his nipple-"

Barb laughed

"Do you?" Barb asked wiping a tear away

Chaz glared at her and looked back at Branch

"Continue." Chaz said

"Do you A: Take him to see Dr. Moonbloom, B: Wait for it to go away on it own, or C: pop it for him." Branch said

"Oh yes, what will my glorious boyfriend, Growly Pete choose-"

Growly slapped his hand


Chaz pressed the first button and looked away

"A." Growly Pete said

The answer was wrong

"Nope! Chaz chose C: pop it for him." Branch said

Growly Pete felt like puking

"What? My mom did it for me." Chaz said

"GROWLY GROWLY GROWL!!" Growly Pete shouted

Chaz gasped offended

"Such language!" Chaz said

Branch went over to Carol and Barb

"Carol and Barb, your question is, you're stranded on a boat in the middle of the ocean-"

"I don't like the ocean." Barb said

"JUST let him finish the question." Carol said

"I don't like the ocean!" Barb repeated

"Guys.." Branch said

"We are trying to help our friend with his game show." Carol said

"You know what happened to me when we were in third grade and went on that week long field trip." Barb said


"I love dolphins! They're so cute." Cybil said

"You're my dolphin." Sparky said

Cybil's and Sparky smiled and hugged

"I'm trying to ask Carol and Barb a question!!" Branch said

"Dolphins creep me out so I will not go in the ocean!!" Barb said

"JUST SAY A, B, OR C!!" Branch shouted

"B!!!" Barb shouted

"Maybe it was A!!!" Carol said

"I DON'T CARE!!" Barb shouted


Barb looked at Carol in total shock and disbelief. All the Trolls just stared at them

Branch cleared his throat

"T-that's it for tonight.." Branch said

All the Trolls left and went home for the night. Chaz and Growly Pete were thankful it was over

"You ok?" Poppy asked Carol and Barb

"I don't know.." Carol said

"I'm going home.." Barb said getting up

Barb slammed the door on the way out to go pick up Knox from Gust

"It'll be ok Carol, all couples fight." Branch said

"It's fine, I'm gonna go home and just sleep.." Carol said

Branch and Poppy watched her leave and just looked at each other

"You want to play bingo tomorrow with our friends?" Poppy asked

"Yeah, but let's not invite Barb and Carol. I don't want to hear them arguing." Branch said

"Noted." Poppy said

The two held hands and left to go get Lloyd and Cream

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