The Reveal Pt. 3

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Carol and Branch took a deep breath and let it out. They had one more question, and they wanted the answer

"How did our parents die?" Branch asked

"I only know Gigi, but I'm sure Carol knows how your father died." Peppy said

Carol looked at the floor

"Then explain mom." Branch said


It wasn't long after Branch and Carol were born. Scout and Gigi watched them play with a smile on their face but it slowly went away

"You know our tribes won't like the thought of Pop and a Hard Rock Troll having Poprock babies. What were we thinking?" Gigi asked, looking away

"Hey... don't think about it. What we made was beautiful. Branch and Carol are perfect." Scout smiled

That's when Scout heard Gigi crying and immediately looked at her

"What's wrong?" Scout asked

"The Trolls won't like it. They'll be killed on the spot! They can't be together." Gigi said

Scout felt his heart shatter when Gigi had said that

"What do you mean they can't be together?" Scout asked

"They- we- I love you Scout, but it's safer if they're separated. Same with us." Gigi said

Scout felt his whole world breaking apart

"You- you have to take Carol. She'll be safer with you." Gigi said

"What about Branch?" Scout asked

"He'll stay here. It's better this way. It's safer for them both." Gigi said

Scout took Carol away from Branch and gave Gigi a final hug. Maybe later in the future they could be together with no fear

Scout left with Carol. Gigi smiled as they walked away from the Troll tree back to Volcano Rock City


"So they just..."

"Separated us?" Branch asked, finishing for Carol

"They did, but only for your own safety." Peppy said

"OUR SAFETY?!!" Carol asked

"Carol sit down.." Branch said


Branch put his hand on Carol's shoulder to calm her down

Carol sat down besides Branch as Peppy continued

"All of the Pop Trolls knows what happened your mother..."


A few months after Scout had left, Branch was making some table, but then all of the Pop Trolls had hid. It was Trollstice, once a year, ever year

Chef came over to the tree looking for a Troll, fortunately they all hid till Gigi had sneezes. Rosiepuff covered Branch's eyes

Gigi was then picked up by Chef and was then fed and eaten by a Bergan. The Pop Trolls stayed hidden and didn't move till the Bergans were gone


"So mom got eaten like grandma did.." Branch said

"She did, I'm so sorry Branch." Peppy said

Branch sighed but then smiled

"It's ok! It's in the past." Branch said

His smile disappeared when he looked at Carol

"What happened to dad?" Branch asked



In Volcano Rock City, Scout was laying on the hard ground with Carol as they were both looking at the smoke in the air

That's when they heard footsteps coming to them and sat up. Scout whispered in Carol's ear and then she ran off

"Scout! Scout, Scout, Scout, it's so good you man." Flame said

Scout stood up

"So, as you know Thrash's wife is having a child." Flame began

"And?" Scout asked

"Well that prince will be the future king of Hard Rock, and I couldn't help but notice you had a kid with Pop Troll." Flame smirked

"You're not the king anymore! And what if this "prince" turns out to be a girl?!" Scout asked

Flame scoffed

"I'll let in on a deal. You're kid will be perfectly fine among the Hard Rock Trolls, but you turn yourself in." Flame said

Scout thought about his answers and was about to answer till he was suddenly shot in the chest and fell to ground


"HE WAS SHOT?!!" Branch asked

"I didn't want to see it either.." Carol said

"I can't believe it... mom and dad really did do this for us.." Branch said

Peppy nodded with a smile

"Wow.." Branch and Carol said

The two left the pod to find something to do. They were about to go their separate ways till Branch stopped Carol

"Carol wait!" Branch said

Carol looked at Branch

"What's up?" Carol asked

"Why don't we.... why don't we have a brother, sister day. Just with us." Branch smiled

Carol looked at him then rolled her eyes with smirk

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." Carol said

The two walked off with each other feeling closer than before, even if they were still different from each other, but glad to have each other again

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