The Monsters Hidden In The Night (Part 3)

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Trollzart woke up. Then suddenly Trollzart looked around his pod and it was suddenly a mess caused by creature from earlier. Trollzart started to freak

"Oh my goodness." Trollzart said

He then suddenly he went to the mirror and then suddenly scratch and bite marks on his neck and arms. One was extremely deep. He touched one of the marks

"Oh now OW!" He said

They hurt. He doesn't even remember what happened. Then suddenly a light shine to Trollzart, suddenly when he turned around towards his window, he sees the moonlight shining at him. Trollzart started to feel fuzzy and started to gain pain inside, his pupils suddenly shrank and hold his stomach from the pain he's suffering from

Then he suddenly began to grow claws from his hands and feet, he started grow fur all around, his eyes began to turn into a new shade of yellow, his hair started to get more furrier, his wings began to grow bigger, his ears began to become pointy, his clothes suddenly began to rip a little and he suddenly to grow a little bigger, his transformation was complete and then flew out of the window and then howled at the moon

Dante had suddenly woken up from the noise and looked around curious.

"Huh? What was that?" He had asked

Dante looked out of his window and then terror struck on his face, he's seeing a large furry creature right in front of Trollzart's house


The creature suddenly heard the sound and almost looked at Dante. Dante hid down so the creature won't see him, and then suddenly the creature left and went down to Trollstopia

"We need help 😰" Dante said


The next day, back at Prince D's place, Poppy walked inside and saw Delta, Trollex, Barb, and Trollzart exhausted

"Whoaaaaaa you guys are exhausted :0" Poppy said

"You think? -___-" Barb asked her

Then suddenly Carol & Knox and the shocked to see Barb all exhausted and still bandaged

"Oh... my..." Carol began

"Holy shet." Knox said

"Watch yo profanity." Prince D said

"Carol, Knox, it's not what it looks like!" Barb said with a nervous smile

"Barb, why you have scratches on you, are you ok?😨" Carol asked in a panic, dropping Knox out of her hands


He face planted

"Yes I'm ok, I just got in fight with a creature the two last nights." Barb said, confidentially

Carol and Knox gasped dramatically

"And I don't know why she was out of curfew." Poppy said

"Hey I just want to fight that furry creature and that's it, and also that creature even looked familiar but I don't know where to put my mind into it🤔" Barb said

Trollex and Delta looked at each other confused

"I literally didn't have a good night last night, ugh!" Trollzart faceplanted on the table exhausted

"What happened?" Poppy asked

"I remembered going to my pod at night and then the creature attacked and then that's it, Idk anything else 🤷🏼‍♂️" Trollzart said

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