Snug-a-Babysitting Pt. 3

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The Trolls and Archer were hiding in the bathroom in the shower. The pod was just ruined at this point. They barely survived the whole weekend and it was finally Sunday

Barb peaked her head out of the curtain to see if she could see the snug-a-lug but nothing

Barb sat back down beside Cybil and sighed in relief

That was till they heard a squeak. The four of them flinched and peeked their eyes out and saw it in the hallway

They immediately shut the curtains

"W-who's turn is it?" Barb asked

Cybil sighed and grabbed a piece fruit

"I'll do it. I'm a m a n." Cybil said

Cybil looked out the curtain and saw the snug-a-lug looking right into his soul. It freaked him out and immediately scared him

"AHHHH!! FETCH!!!" Cybil shouted, throwing the piece of fruit out of the shower

Cybil immediately sat back down and jumped into Barbs arms, holding onto her tight

Barb, Hickory, and Archer looked behind Cybil and gasped

"It's back.." Barb said

Cybil felt the snug-a-lug lick his face. Cybil immediately hid behind Barb

The snug-a-lug got closer to them as they scooted away. They reached the end of the shower and just sat there extremely anxious

They saw it get picked up and looked and saw Lownote

"Lownote Jones!" They smiled

"In the flesh! Thanks for watching him. He wasn't any trouble right?" Lownote asked

"Nope!" Archer lied

"Trouble? With us? No way!!" Hickory lied

"Y-yeah!" Cybil said

"STOP ASKING!!" Barb said

"Alright, alright." Lownote saie

He began to walk away till he looked at them

"Oh and remember. Stay funky." Lownote said and winked as he left

The four sighed in relief as they left the bathroom to get a drink


Cybil served the three of them tea. The four of them smiled and Barb put her sunglasses back on

"Good job Trolls and Archer. We did it with no problems." Cybil smiled with his eyes closed

The table broke apart

They were about to drink their tea till they heard a sound. Barb lifted her sunglasses to see better. They looked at the floor and saw another snug-a-lug

"Another one?!" Archer asked

"But Lownote took it." Hickory said

"Then that would mean..." Barb spoke

"Who hugged it?" Cybil asked

The four looked at each other giving each other glares. Barb growled like a dog

The snug-a-lug pointed at Hickory

The three glared at Hickory

"Seriously Hickory?!" Archer asked

"Yes! I hugged it! It was the most BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE!! And I'll do it again." Hickory said

"Can't believe you. So irresponsible." Barb said

A snug-a-lug appeared behind Barb and clinged onto her leg

Archer and Cybil glared at Hickory and Barb

"Yeah ok I hugged it too." Barb said

"I can't believe this you two, after everything we've been through this weekend." Archer said

Another snug-a-lug fell on Archers mohawk

"You two Archer?! Am I the only-"

And another fell in Cybil's hair and came out

Barb, Archer, and Hickory stared at Cybil

"Yeah I hugged it too.." Cybil said

The four snug-a-lugs rolled onto the floor and began to chatter

"Ok! We'll get Lownote and not commit ourselves to anymore hugs." Cybil said

"EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!" Barb shouted

One of the snug-a-lugs legit snatched the sunglasses off of Barbs

"HEY!!" Barb yelled trying to get them back

The boys took Barb back. Hickory retrieved the sunglasses and handed them to Barb

They then saw the snug-a-lugs hugging each other as more appeared

"Umm how big is this pod again?" Archer asked

"I don't know." Cybil said

They saw more snug-a-lugs appear and they immediately ran away. They tried to find the exit. Cybil then got an idea and ran the opposite way

The other three stopped and looked at Cybil going the completely wrong way and decided to follow

Cybil saw the communicator and immediately jumped towards it

He was then attacked by multiple snug-a-lugs

"Oh nawwwww. He dead." Barb said

The snug-a-lugs then filled up the first half of the pod as they caught the other three

"Wow! Never thought I'd be killed by something so painfully adorable!" Barb said

"If we die I just wanted to say! I'm so glad I made friends with you Trolls!" Archer said

The three smiled till Cybil popped his head out gasping for air

"I got it!" Cybil smiled holding the communicator in his hand

Cybil went over to his friends and contacted Lownote

"Lownote!! Please come back! We're literally being drowned by snug-a-lugs! Come back!!" Cybil said

There was static. The communicator was dragged away from them

"NO!!" They shouted


Cybil slapped Barb

Archer and Hickory just stared


Barb held her cheek and stared at him

"Did you just slap me? -.-" Barb asked

"I was trying to calm you down!" Cybil said

Just then the snug-a-lugs were taken away and transported into a wormhole as it closed


The Trolls and Archer were outside of the pod. Lownote went over to them

"Thanks you guys again. I know I don't ask for much, but I'm really glad you did this." Lownote

"Yeah, yeah." Barb smiled

Lownote walked away, and the Trolls and Archer immediately rushed home never wanting to see or touch a snug-a-lug ever again

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