The Monsters Hidden In The Night (Part 2)

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Barb was walking around Trollstopia alone at night. It was around 9. She had a camera and started looking around. Everyone was all in their pods hiding from the creature that Trollex told them about, but Barb didn't believe him

"There's no creature out here! He's just crazy! If anything it's just a tiny critter!! Geez that fish is on something." Barb told herself

That's when she heard something snap behind her and immediately turned around but nothing. Barb raised an eyebrow confused and assumed it was just a bunch of kids. Barb sighed annoyed

"Uhhh!! In case you kids forgot Poppy's curfew, you're supposed to be home already!" Barb said

But no reply

Barb glared at where she heard the noise and went back to looking for the creature that Trollex has told everyone about. She- obviously didn't believe what he had told everyone anyone

He was definitely crazy! There was nothing dangerous in Trollstopia! ...right?

Barb heard heavy breathing behind her in the trees and pointed the camera in that direction but when she looked she heard the thing in the tree quickly move and saw the bushes move which made her get paranoid and put the camera in her hair with it still recording

Barb took her guitar out and listened for the noise again to shoot whatever it was

She heard growling and quickly turned around to say a pair of yellow eyes staring at her from behind the bush. Barb was about to shoot it till she felt a gap on her left shoulder and turned around to see a big blue beast

Barb dropped her guitar in fear and took a step back away from it. The creature from the bushes came out. Barb turned around and stepped away from them

"Y-you guys wouldn't happen to know where the nearest bathroom is right?' Barb asked with a nervous smile

They both roared and Barb quickly ran away. They both chased her. Barb tripped on absolutely nothing and quickly rolled into a bush and covered her mouth to get quiet

The two creature ran right passed her. Barb sighed relived and took the camera out of her hair

"Whoaaaaa!! Dudes! That was- scary! I guess Trollex isn't as crazy as I thought! And that says a lot." Barb said to the camera

Barb turned it off and got of the bush and quickly turned the other direction that's when the blue one popped out of the tree. Barb then started to recognize him a little

"You? You're-"

Then the other one came from behind her and lifted it's hand. Barb was about to turn around before the one in front of her scratched her left cheek which made Barb fall on the ground

Barb quickly backed away from them. They then left. Barb sighed and rested on the grass. She assumed they must've given up. That's when she suddenly felt a little funny inside and a little sick


Not too far away, Jazzy (LuizThePopTroll OC) was looking for Barb. He looked behind a bunch of bushes but nothing

"Barb? Yo Barb! Where are you? You know it's curfew... the creature might hit on you." Jazzy said

No answer. He started to get a little nervous

"Barbbbbbbbbb?" He called again

He moved a bush out of the way till he suddenly heard screams and quickly ran in that direction

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