Chapter 24

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Leon: Taen. I can see your small wounds. I'm here to destroy your reign. I will destroy all Monarchs.

Taen: Yet you are one.

Leon: I am one indeed but I don't seek to rule. 

Taen: Just in time. You won't be killing me yet.

The front door of the castle is blown open by what appears to be an Armageddemon with the Human named Black on it's head.

Leon: I see. You summon your guard to protect you.

Black: I sensed Gray was defeated so I came. When I tried to get in he tried to stop me but the monster of a trainer ended up making me struggle to beat him in his weaken state and with only half a team.

Taen: Defeat him here Black. 

Black: Why can't you beat him? All it would take is one hit and it's done.

Taen: That may be true but if I can remain out of battle that would be optimal.

Black: Ok. Assimilation mode.

Armageddemon starts to disappear and form around Black as a big bulky armor.

Leon: hmfp. Is this supposed to be the norm? Turning allies into weapons? You make me ill Taen and once I'm through with him you can be sure that your time as ruler of the world will come to an end.

Taen: Go ahead and try. I have no need to argue with you. 

Black: You think you can beat me? Even if you can that won't mean you will come out unscathed. Besides. You can talk crap all you want about partner fusion but you are the real monster to be able to do it with an enemy.

Leon: And even with that "knowledge" you still wish to face me? Foolishness. I, Leon the ruler of the Fallen will kill each one of you. 

Black: We shall see Monarch. 

Black dashes at Leon at great speeds despite the heavy looking armor and Leon made the mistake to try and block the attack with his hand. His arm gets sliced off and Leon turns to a swarm of bats and reforms nearby.

Leon's thoughts: That speed is incredible for such an armor. It's heavier than it looks as the momentum was enough to cut through my superior defenses even after absorbing Zborg's body! No time to reattach my arm. I have to make a weapon.

Leon changes his armor and reconfigures it turning it into a longsword. Black didn't give Leon time to adapt changing his weapon from an axe to a war hammer and shifted his stance and swing  it overhead causing Leon to reflexively turn to mist and reform behind him and Leon immediately turned to mist upon seeing an eye on the back of his armor. This turned out to be the right decision as Black launched a beam attack from behind.

Leon's thoughts: He adapts on the fly. He knew I was switching from a defensive mode to an attack mode. If I didn't think that was suspicious that he changed his heavy sword for an even slower weapon I would have taken a nasty blow from that blast. 

Leon: I'm impressed. By all means it defies logic that you can move in such a way with such restrictive armor. 

Black: If you hoping I tell you anything useful you are wasting your time. You can't beat me without your full power and I'm not even breaking a sweat so even that may not be enough.

Leon: Hmm... 

Leon this times charges at Black and then backflips out of the way as multiple eyes appear on Black's armor and fire beams of energy.

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