Chapter 4

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Gray: I still expect you all to master this. 

Luca: Then how long do we have until we go?

Gray: We are not going to be on the attack. We would lose for sure.

Zborg: Even with your secret ace in the hole that you always hide?

Gray: Yes. In this case I would be the ace. If I go down it will be impossible to win. We must look to other options and powers to win this fight. Arceus is done helping me so he is a no go.

Ashley: Of course he is. When does the creator really help?

Zorra: What other options do we have anyway?

Gray: not many. So listen close.

At Taen

Mewtwo: Taen, I have defeated the intruders. What is your next orders?

Taen: Mewtwo. Do you crave power? 

Mewtwo: I rather not answer that... I am loyal to you.

Mewtwo's thoughts: I do want power. Power like you Taen... I want it way more then I let on, but I don't want you to change the way you look at me...

Taen: It is ok to crave power. It is ambition. The only thing is Power comes at a cost. As long as you are willing to pay the price then the power is yours.

Mewtwo: Maybe. But what is the price?

Taen: holding a mega stone or putting on armor.

Mewtwo: Armor?

Taen: That would make you stronger but you can't mega evolve.

Mewtwo: I don't want to carry around a stone with me.

Taen: You will not be able to take off the armor once we put it on you.

Mewtwo: That is a price I am willing to pay.

Taen: Then come with me.

Taen teleports to a room and Mewtwo teleports to follow him

Mewtwo lays on the table and machines start putting armor on Mewtwo.

Mewtwo: Agh! The helmet is tight!

Mewtwo gets off the table the moment the armor is on

Mewtwo: I serve you Taen. The pain means nothing.

Taen: Mewtwo, The pain does mean something. The pain you feel is the pain from the armor you can't take off.

Mewtwo: What do I do with the pain?...

Taen: Share it. Give your enemies pain close the pain that you feel.

Mewtwo grins under the helmet: Yes. I want to show my enemies the same pain I feel! 

Taen: You are going to put armor on everyone of them?

Mewtwo: Yes. But not armor that will help them.

Taen: an unusual way of dealing with the pain but ok, I support you.

Taen's thoughts: Mewtwo's plan could work to weaken Gray and team Vitreus. That would kill two birds with one stone.

At Team Vitreus

Hatheron: The raid failed. What did you expect? This is Taen we are dealing with.

???: That was your escort team what did you expect? That wasn't even us trying to take him on.

Hatheron: He won't come back to us.

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