chapter 10 Light and dark

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Light chapter 10

Zborg tackles Zeraora in her rage grabbing her by the throat

Zorra: Zborg! Calm down!

Ashley slaps Gray awake who then hugs Zborg calming her right away

Gray: Zborg...You know I love you. Nothing is going to change that.

Zborg looks at Zeraora who is panting and trying to catch her breath 

Zborg: I may...have over reacted...Sorry about that Zeraora.

Zeraora: You almost killed me you freaking bone dragon!

Ashley: and you forgot British.

Gray: Huh? British? Since when?!

Zborg stares at Gray then with as heavy British accent said: Yes, LOVE. I am British. I like crumpets and tea. I'm bloody tired of hiding it.

Gray: Zeraora...I think there is some berries after all in my bag.

Zeraora runs to Grays bag but stops seeing that Zborg is right next to it.

Zeraora: I didn't mean to try and steal your mate from you.

Gray: before Zborg says "bugger off" know that I haven't asked her yet. And I plan on asking her Tonight.

Ashley: WAY TO GO, You moron! You ruined the surprise!

Ashley and everyone else besides Zborg and Zeraora left

Zborg: R-really? F-for real? W-what about Jr?

Gray: the day after yours.

Zborg grins and hugs Gray while Zeraora opens Gray's bag and eats some Promeg berries.

Zeraora: ahh....This is great.....

Zborg: When you need me I'll be outside flying in joy.

Zborg walks outside and spreads her wings before taking off

Zeraora: She really loves you to the point it scares me.

Gray: Yeah. But hey it's love. It works both ways. Trainer and pokemon.

Zeraora: Talking about that... Is there anyway of changing my Pokeball to a Master ball?

Gray: If I did that you would have zero chance of ever escaping if I ever forgot about you. Are you sure?

Zeraora: You don't seem to be the type that forgets.

Gray: I'll see what I can do. 

Zeraora: Thanks!

Gray: Why would you want this again?

Zeraora: I want to feel like I was worthy of being captured and not just some common Pokemon you throw a pokeball at.

Gray: Oh! I see now! Anyway while Zborg isn't here to stop me can I...

Zeraora: stroke my fur again?

Zeraora's thoughts: Sigh....He has no problem with stripping me of my pride.

Gray: Yeah! 

Zeraora: I guess so. Are you sure you don't want to spend time with your mate?

Gray: Zborg doesn't like to fly unless it is when I tell her to fly. This is a rare moment and I don't want to take that from her. 

Gray just scratches Zeraora behind her ears and she starts to prr.

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