Chapter 13

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Luma: What now? We could train as hard as we can but it won't be enough to beat him...

Leon: It's taken care of. I was a small, nieve, and powerless child once...But not anymore. Now we will win. That is our fates.

Ashley: You know Gray said the same thing but we sti-

Leon: Did you compare me with Gray? I am both honored and sickened by that. He was a strong leader but he was too weak. All that we can do is fight. Fight until we can fight no more. 

Ashley: This is worse than dealing with Inzert.... Inzert was alone. Taen isn't.

Leon: Gray is the type of person who is always alone. He always helps others but stomps on his own dreams. He laughs to make everyone feel like a family while he feels guilt of taking us from our homes to help him.

Ashley: I have been around him before you were even born. How could you know him THAT well?

Leon: He told me himself. Gray was the most awesome human we could have ever join sides with. He had the gift of great wisdom and sight. He likes to joke about it by calling it "plot armor".

Ashley: That's what he meant?! So he acts like a moron but is actually a pokemon master?

Leon: Correct. 

Luma: incredible... I wish I meet him sooner...

Leon: He is gone now. We must accept that he is no longer our friend. No more talking about him. Do I make myself clear?

Ashley: I never liked him anyway. But we will die if we tr-

Leon: FINE! We will go around the world and fine others who are worthy and THEN we fight Taen. Happy?

Ashley: Relieved.

Leon's thoughts: Keep aggravating me frog... You will taste great if I do get hungry.

Ashley shivering: suddenly I don't feel very safe...

Leon: First we go to Hoenn, then Sinnoh, then Kalos, then finally the Galar region.

Ashley: Wait...Galar?

Leon: sigh... I need to back up. When we lost, everyone disappeared. Everyone but me, Taen, and Mewtwo. Everyone died in that moment.

Ashley: Huh? I didn't die.

Leon: You came right back a few moments later just like the rest of most everyone else. but in that time Gray told me a few things. Let's leave this pitiful place behind. This loss is embarrassing.

Luma: Is it possible to get -

Leon: I said we are not going to talk about him.

Luma: Hey! I just want to know! Are they lost for good?!

Leon: I do not know. There is your answer. We have a long trip if we want to find others to help us. Let us get through this "perfect" world.

Ashley: ok!

Leon and the others walk for a long time until they see a human building but it's completely new  having never been there until now.

Leon:  Taen must have done some remodeling with the world. I don't even know what this is. Even though Luca and Hackmon told me a lot about human stuff.

Luma: It's an airport.

Leon: The...What?

Luma: Airport. Where you fly above the sky in a plane to get to region to region.

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