Chapter 5

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Ashley: Just for once just tell me.

Gray: In my hands they can make Regigigas, Arceus, and Giratina evolve. 

Leon: They can't evolve!

Gray: True but Arceus made these crystals to use against any OP being that upsets him. Too bad it has to be given to him for it to work. 

Everyone in the room glares at him

Luca: You have Arceus.

Gray: yeah.

Hackmon: And you just said it yourself that Arceus made the crystals to fight Over powered villains.

Gray: I know.

Ashley: What the hell is wrong with you? Just give Arceus the crystal!

Gray: I am not an idiot. But just to show you, come on out Arceus!

Arceus comes out

Arceus: What is it now?

Gray hand Arceus the crystal piece that seemed to come out of nowhere

Arceus: I heard your conversation. I know what you want. I refuse.

Leon: are our creator....

Arceus: Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. Inzert would be a fly compared to my powers. What you call then end of the world I see it as a chance for life to be reborn. Necrozama is a threat to me and the universe. That kind of threat I would help you with. 

Ashley: Once they are done with us you will be next.

Arceus: Then let them try. Everyone wants my help. where do I draw the line? Do I take away pain and wounds from everyone? Do I smite anyone who does a bad action? It's easy for you to ask for my help but I am the one who has to live with my actions.

Arceus returns

Gray: See? He won't help us. Though I have in theory found something no one was ever meant to see. A Regi.

Ashley: Again with you and your Regis!

Gray: Though I am unable to catch it now. I know too much and now lead others to the treasure I am unable to possess. Leon has to convince it.

Leon: Who? I don't even know what's going on.

Luca: Me neither.

Hackmon: could you explain?

Gray: No. If I do then no one can catch it. I told you it's kind now you have to say it's name. My only hint is: I am the beginning, the start of all things. Don't say it without saying it's first name or it's too late.

Ashley: You make no sense. 

Leon: if Regi is it's first name the second part is one word for beginning right? Then it's Regialpha.

Leon disappears

Luca: Leon? Leon? Please speak to me...I can't sense you...

Hackmon: he...he is gone....

Luca: What?....

Zorra: What happened?!

Gray: I can not say. I do not know what even happened.

Ashley: You and your damned mind games.

Gray: I do not know what you are talking about. Zborg where did Leon go?

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