Chapter 22

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At Taen

Cynthia: I'm sorry. We failed my king...

Taen: Tell me. Was I wrong about his weakness?

Cynthia: No. In fact you were right. In the direct sunlight and having it amplified with sunny day burned him and we saw no signs of regeneration from those burns.  We were winning but then...

Taen: But then?

Cynthia: Leon found a way to bypass his weakness of the sun and for a moment covered the aura in darkness...

Taen: How can this be?

Cynthia: I don't know... All I remember is that a Umbreon showed up and became a cloak that...Shielded Leon! That's why it didn't work!

Taen: Do not be afraid Cynthia. I also speak to all the remaining champions when I say that. I am not upset with the end result. In fact it was my fault for not giving each one of you a monarch to use for the fight. I underestimated Leon. Leave all of you.

The Champions leave. Gray enters the room.

Taen: What about the plan going flawlessly?

Gray: I have made a big miscalculation.

Taen: Yes you have. I do not enjoy seeing my people being torn apart. What will you do Gray?

Gray: Go there myself and finish him. No more underestimating him.

Taen: Gray. Did you know that sometimes a Monarch's power can hurt themselves? or the fact monarchs fight each other and one ends up dead?

Gray: No my king.

Taen: It is because we cancel out each other's powers. I am telling you this because I found out this knowledge the moment I became as I am now. I am the Blade Immortal who can cut through anything and I can cut through all barriers. 

Gray: Why are you telling me this?

Taen: I can cut through myself if I am not careful. If I remember correctly you have a power that lets you bypass reality by finding an alternate reality where you get the result you want. I can cut you and if I did you would find that I cut you in every reality. The reason I am telling you this is that Leon CAN die. It's a matter of finding out how. 

Gray: What power... You can cut through all barriers...

Taen: The real reason I'm telling you this is so that you can't ever use that knowledge against me.

Taen slashes Gray, going through him as if Gray was a ghost

Mewtwo: I'm lost. What did you do?

Taen: by exposing my only weakness and then slash his very memories and thoughts of the matter and he will never be able to make the connection. The only reason I don't do it to you Mewtwo is that I know you would die for me.

Gray: What do you want me to do?

Taen: Watch. I'm going to use a secret weapon. Someone I made to be your equal if not better.

Mewtwo: Better then Gray?! Well that will be a sight to behold.

Taen: His name is Black.

Gray: I assume you want me to watch in the sidelines while he attacks Leon. In the case he loses you want me to learn from the battle.

Mewtwo: I didn't think it was possible for Gray to be so ok with being replaced that easily.

Taen: Mewtwo! Can you stop commenting for a moment! Yes, Gray. I want you to watch as Black KILLS Leon. I have cut the alternate worlds where he fails and deleted them. Leon will fall. 

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