Chapter 3

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At Taen

Mewtwo: Gray has returned to Torren. He is with his friends.

Taen: Why did he go back there? He knows he is important and people will be after him.

Mewtwo: I don't know he is too far away for me to read his mind.

Taen looks at the scientist and nods

The scientist pulls the lever and flashes of light fills the room before settling down

in the incubator is the first evolution of Inzert, a fusion of an Aron and a guilmon.

Taen: Mewtwo use Psychic. 

Mewtwo uses Psychic to eliminate the soul of the body 

Taen: Now you know what to do.

Mewtwo: Yes...

Taen: You sound hesitant. Are you having doubts?

Mewtwo: N-no.....

Taen: I will still be me, wither it is in a pokemon body or a human body. There is no reason to be worried.

Mewtwo: Then I will do my best!

Mewtwo uses it's power to rip Taen's soul out of his body and puts it into the soulless pokemon

Mewtwo: Taen?...

Taen opens his new eyes

Mewtwo smiles: Taen!

Taen: Tell that scientist to begin with aging. This form is much too young.

Mewtwo turns to the scientist and with only a glare the scientist knew what to do and pushed a few buttons and then light started to shine again and then the lights go out

Mewtwo to the scientist: WHAT HAPPENED?!

Scientist: I don't know! 

Computer: Base is under attack. Please prepare to fight.

Taen opens his eye's again and his glowing crimson eyes stood out in the darkness

Taen: What are you waiting for? Go.

The Scientist ran out of the room 

Mewtwo: Taen?...Are you?...

Taen: I am nearly complete. 

Taen gets up and walks over to his human body

Taen: Looking back at my formal body I realize now just how frail humans are. 

Taen takes the mega ring from his human body and removes the stone and swallows it and shines and becomes his mega version

Mewtwo: Incredible.... Your power....

Taen: Like Inzert but with many improvements. This isn't a "Perfect pokemon" like my clone said, I agree with Gray's label: Monarch.

Mewtwo: You are a Monarch pokemon...Wow.

Taen: Deal with our attackers. I'm busy.

Mewtwo: As you wish.

Mewtwo leaves

Taen: I am working for Vitreus but these fools only want my work. Shame they are starting a war with me.

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