Chapter 16

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At Gray who just arrived at the town where Leon happens to be "sealed away"

Gray: This town is shabby.

Zborg: Compared to the magnificent castle of Taen and Mewtwo everything else is shabby. What did you expect?

Gray: Let's get this over with. Guards of this town where is the mayor?

Guard: He is in his house sir Gray!

Gray: At this time of day?

Guard: Sir! He is tired and recovering from an attack.

Gray: An attack? I did not receive reports of an attack on a mayor. What happened?

Guard: Some man went crazy and decided to bite the mayor.

Zborg: A man? Not a pokemon?

Guard: I'm am sure! I helped pulled him off sir!

Gray: Where is this man?

Guard: the mayor made a jail just for him one underground. The Mayor has the keys.

Gray: Sigh...Then lead the way.

Gray follows the guard to the mayor's house

Gray: That is very odd. His windows curtains are all closed, his door is locked. 

Zborg: Like as if he is locking himself up. 

Gray: Guard can you open this door?

Guard: Sorry sir. I can't. It's a fingerprint scanner.

Gray: not a problem for me.

Gray pulls out his flute

Zborg: um...Gray? Didn't you tell us earlier that you lost your powers?

Gray: Zborg, I lost my powers but not my ability to use it for it's real purpose. To summon Mew. Mew knows what I want based on what I play.

Zborg: Oh yeah! You did catch Mew way before you even caught Zorra.

Gray: correct. This is something only you and a select few know about.

Mew appeared and opens the door

Gray: Not exactly how I planned it but that works. 

Gray walks in and enters a dark room and sees the Mayor

Gray: Mayor Tehr, I have a matter to talk to you about.

The mayor turns around and jumps in shock to see Gray

Mayor's thoughts: Gray?! Here?! No no no no no no! Master Leon could be in danger!

Mayor Tehr: H-hello there Gray... I didn't know y-you would come...

Gray: I am on a mission Mr. Tehr. I apologise for barging in and disturbing your recovery.

Mayor Tehr: N-no. Not at all!

Gray: I am wondering why you are up, wouldn't it be best you go to a hospital or at least stay in bed? 

Mayor Tehr: oh! um...I am feeling better. Yeah! I'm feeling better! 

Gray holds up a picture of a Zeraora cub

Gray: Have you seen this? 

Mayor's thoughts: Damn! I seen that Pokemon traveling with master Leon! if I tell him, Master might be in trouble!

Mayor Tehr: hm....Nope! doesn't seem familiar!

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