Chapter 25: The two Chosen.

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Mewtwo teleports to a underground "black market" underneath the sewers.

Mewtwo's thoughts: Gross, dirty, and ugly. Ugh.... Why did Master Taen Rebuild the world and still let them operate here if this is his "perfect world"? Maybe I am asking the wrong questions. Why did Taen ALLOW many of the humans who aren't worthy of being in this world to survive. I don't see why there would even be a Black Market anymore now that everything they want to sell is now legal.

Mewtwo hovers and attracts a lot of attention. 

Mewtwo: Unworthy, Unworthy, Unworthy, all of these humans are unworthy.

No one was dumb enough to throw a poke ball at Mewtwo knowing that they would die for trying. Mewtwo was about to leave when she noticed she forgot or missed a person. Mewtwo hones in on the person's mind and just as quickly loses the person.

Mewtwo's thoughts: Hm... either they are so beneath me that I don't feel the need to focus on the human or that they are what I am looking for.

Mewtwo: All of you filthy humans, Hear me and Obey me. Stop whatever you are doing and line out outside.

Mewtwo's message was heard and the people quickly did what Mewtwo asked. Mewtwo then opened her mind and focused. Mewtwo was frustrated because whoever kept evading her mind isn't doing so now. Mewtwo starts reading memories until she found that there was one person she couldn't read and that person was still inside. Mewtwo was furious that the person didn't obey her. she teleported inside the man's house.

Mewtwo: When I give an order human, you will o-

Man: I will have to hear you and obey. blah blah blah. Look, Buy something or get out. I won't let you get in my way. Do you think that this world can still run without money?

Mewtwo: You must have a death wish. Stop interrupting me. -

Man: All things have a price. You should take a seat and relax. Give me a few golden coins. They are the new currency that Taen made.

Mewtwo: Fine- Wait no! What did you do?! ENOUGH GAMES HUMAN!

Man: My name is Qian. Not human. You want to know how I "tricked you".

Mewtwo: Among other things. You did not make a good first impression.

Qian: Yet here you are still listing to me when normally you would kill someone for their disrespect. 

Mewtwo: Again. what did you do?

Qian: Human minds are like water. Thoughts flow, impulses flood, logic is still like under the waves, and emotion are like the waves. 

Mewtwo: Your mind is different.  I would kill you now if I didn't agree with you. Now I understand. You changed the way you think.

Qian: Read my mind. You already don't wish to talk further.

Mewtwo: You are blocking me and I am not here to break someone's mind and create a thrall. It's my turn to make a prediction. You hate Pokémon.

Qian: You are correct.

Mewtwo: Yet you are talking to one.

Qian: I can put aside my hate for Taen.

Mewtwo: Who is no longer human.

Qian: That is one of the things I hate about Pokémon and some people. You assume we are different. Is a Phantump not a spirit of a human? Taen is human. You can read our memories all you like and feel emotions but even if you were turned into a human you would never be one.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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