Chapter 21

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At Gray

Zeraora: Hey gray... Are you sure you are up to the task? You seem scared which is very unlike you.

Gray: You wouldn't understand... You haven't stared in the abyss... All that time... just alone, its maddening.

Zeraora: you mean that abyss that you sealed?

Gray: I never sealed it. It only barely touched our reality... If I fight Leon then my very existence might come apart and I'll be replaced by the original Gray.

Zeraora: Your shadow.

Gray nods

Zeraora giving Gray a closed eye grin: Why does that scare you? The only thing that makes us different from who we were before the change is the fact that we serve Taen.

Gray: Believe what you want but it still scares me. But maybe if Leon dies I can rest easy.

Zeraora: Because only a being such as a monarch can restore your shadow right?

Gray: Yes. Why do you sound cheerful? Do you want me to change back?

Zeraora: No... If you did you would be against Taen and then you would have to defeat me.

At Taen

Mewtwo: Taen if Gray doesn't have his soul, his memories, or shadow as you called it then why is he struggling against us sometimes?

Taen: I created a artificial soul with his memories and skills with slight adjustments so that he would serve me. I in a sense created life out of nothing and gave it free will and that is the reason Gray struggles to serve me.

Mewtwo: I mean he seemed to have unflinching loyalty to you before the abyss in the sky appeared.

Taen: That is just the kind of person he was. If he found you worthy of being his master he would never question you. I don't know what changed but I am sure he will not fail.

Mewtwo blushing: After Leon is dead do you want

Taen: We can talk about what to do after Leon is dead.

Mewtwo's thoughts: He can read my psychic messages but can't read my mind... Why Taen?... Why do you push me away...? I just want to be with you in...everything....

Taen: What is it? Did you want to tell me something important?

Mewtwo: was a stupid question...

Taen: Watch as our final threat will disappear. Surely you will enjoy it.

Mewtwo: Ok....

Elsewhere, Ashley and Luna are carrying Leon in his coffin

Luna: Guys. I smell a group of people surrounding us.

Leon: And?

Luna: Yeah... sorry I just have flashbacks to my previous trainer who was abusive...

Ashley: No this is different. These people are Pokémon trainers.

Leo: Let me at them!

Eric: Calm down! You can't let yourself be captured!

Wallace: Now Walrein use Surf and surround them in water!

Wallace's Walrein nods and soon enough Walrein creates a river of flowing water surrounding Leon and his group.

Leon: Stop right here. I can not pass through running water for it hurts me.

Luna and Ashley put down Leon's coffin.

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