Chapter 12

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30 minutes earlier before the fight

Zeraora: Hey Ashley...

Ashley: You look pale. Is something wrong?

Zeraora: I...Haven't told anyone yet...but I think I am pregnant....

Ashley: WHAT THE HELL?! 

Zeraora: I can't raise a child! 

Ashley: I know! This is horrible. Humans have made ways to abort their child. I'll see what I can find for a pokemon.

Zeraora: Thanks...

Ashley: Go tell Gray. And tell him I will be gone and won't come back until I'm done finding a way.

Zeraora: Got it.

Ashley leaves.

Zeraora's thoughts: Tell gray and what else? Oh well. I swear if we really are attacked before Ashley comes back....oh we are going to have some problems.... If there is nothing I can do then I really REALLY hope I have a litter of small Zeraoras and not a human baby or a hybrid... 

Back at the fight

Zeraora: OH YEAH! I remember now! Gray. Ashley decided to leave to help me get something to abort-

Gray: I AM SO CLOSE to breaking her pokeball while she is still inside it! I can't rely on that Ninja frog for anything...

Zborg: focus love... This isn't time to be talking.

Mewtwo: Like she said. The time for talk has ended.

Mewtwo uses psychic on the crystal but then the genesect used Techno blast stopping her

Beryl: I'll be taking that. 

Taen: I think not.

Taen pulls out his massive sword and Beryl pulls out his spear of light and they both clash

Beryl: Darkrai! destroy them by the time we finish!

Taen: Groudon do the same!

Gray: Regigigas! Use Giga Impact!

Regigigas: REGIGIGAS!

regice: Re. Re. Regi. Regice!

Regirock: regirock!

registeel: steeeeeeeeel.

Zeraora: sigh... No one can understand a Regi. not even pokemon.

Gray: Not quite. Regigigas saids his body is ready and the others are saying they are ready to join in and help him.

Regigigas take a very slow giant step then another then another building up speed as he moves and then rams into Primal Groudon knocking it over.

Zeraora: If you can speak like them then I'm out of here....

Gray: Do I look like I can speak Regi? I wish I could but the most I can do is make similar sounds.

Zeraora grins and jumps up in the air and as fast as lightning goes behind Mewtwo and uses Plasma Fist on her knocking her down.

Mewtwo: you think you can take me on?

Zeraora crackling with lighting: come at me. You too genesect.

Genesect: Your chances of winning are .000002321%!!!

Zeraora again at lighting speed charges at Genesect and does Blaze Kick knocking him into a  tree.

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