Chapter 8

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Leon: Mom? do you think I really could beat the monarchs?...I mean they are terrifying and powerful...

Luca: Leon...You don't have to fight if you don't want to.

Leon: I do! I just.... feel useless. I feel my powers are dangling in front of me but I just can't reach them...

Hackmon: Hey... cheer up. It took a long time for me to be this powerful so just give it time and train.

Leon: I have been doing that! What do you want me to do? Meditate under a waterfall or punching trees like a lucario or spend hours on end doing impossible tasks like you. 

Hackmon: HEY! We worked hard to help you evolve when you asked us. We only have our experiences to help teach you.

Leon: Then am I a pokemon or a digimon?

Luca: You are both.

Leon: No. I'm nothing but a freak!

Leon runs off

Luca: Hackmon...Do you think we have raised Leon poorly?

Hackmon: I don't know...He was never this stressed before...

Leon sits on the edge of a nearby cliff for hours before Gray sits next to him

Leon: How can you put this weight on all of us while you don't fight directly? It's not fair.

Gray: I get why you would think that. However I do want to fight along side everyone. I guess I am scared that if I fight I will lose the last piece of humanity I used to have. 

Leon: I can't fight them. You are sentencing everyone to their deaths.

Gray: You are our key to victory. But if you don't want to fight then neither do I. I will lose the next battle so they can take the crystals and be done with it.

Leon: I WANT to fight. I feel worthless.....

Gray: You feel like you can't control your own power right? Like it is dangling there so close yet so far. I feel that way all the time in the past.

Leon: You don't act like it. You act like you have the power to rule the world with your "plot armor"

Gray: It's about to expire anyway. I can feel it. Anyway It's because I fear being weak that I act like I have huge power.

Leon: You are confusing. This isn't some story.

Gray: In a way, yes this is. This is the story of your life. This is but a chapter in your book of your experiences in life. I will help you get that power just like I got mine.

Leon: My mom thought training me like a riolu would help me evolve but it didn't. My dad thought I needed to clear brutal and nearly impossible tasks to evolve like he did but that didn't work either. I learned how to calm like a lucario and strong like Hackmon from all the training so how can you do any better?

Gray: You are a Monarch. there is no way an human could master being a monarch pokemon like Taen because he has something that Inzert had. Pride. Superiority. Ambition. Why lower yourself to our ways of training when you are not us? You are powerful so act like it. Don't be scared to speak your mind and you will be able to use all of your powers.

Leon: Act like I am superior? But I'm a freak.

Gray: so I should catch a magicarp to help fight instead of you?


A glow of red energy surrounds Leon

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