chapter 14

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At Taen and Mewtwo

Mewtwo: Taen... are you ok?... Please...don't die...

Taen: I'm not dying! 

Mewtwo: Half of your respiratory system was-

Taen: Arceus got me pretty good. I am an immortal pokemon. I can revive myself and heal any wound as much as I want but the wound he gave me... I can't seem to get rid of. At least you can touch me without dying.

Mewtwo: Please...just hang in there....

Taen's flashback

Arceus: This is a universe level threat. I made the crystal so none may rival me yet now you seek to destroy me with it.

Taen: You run the world like a government that doesn't step in when they need it. 

Arceus: You fool! I alone am the creator! You will face judgement for your crimes!

Mewtwo: I won't let you.

Mewtwo uses psycho shift but Arceus changes to the dark plate to become immune to the attack.

Arceus then uses Judgement on Mewtwo striking Mewtwo down with a single blow knocking her out

Arceus: You will meet the same fate!

Taen: No. I will defeat you, then I will be rid of this bladed curse.

Arceus: I put a curse on that crystal so that anyone other than me or Regigigas would suffer harsh backlash from it. Killing me is not going to happen. You lost your power to use Reverse of Time so you will not be coming back from this one.

Taen: We shall see.

A large sword comes out of Taen's hand and he swings and Arceus dodges and uses hyper beam which Taen also dodged.

Taen: You see a threat I see a chance to change the world in a good way! Nature would have killed that many people anyway so I came and did it first.

Arceus: YOU DARE!

Arceus uses judgement on Taen which came in the form of a spear piercing Taen's right lung.

Taen fires his new move called immortal's spear at Xerneas down below.

Arceus: Y-you! NO!!!

Arceus quickly jumps in the way and it goes right through Arceus killing him

Taen coughing up blood: gha!... My first battle as a Immortal... so far not as impressive... Mewtwo

The blades that stick out of Taen disappears and Taen hovers down to mewtwo picking her up and flies back to the castle

Flash back ends

Taen: Here comes Gray.

Gray arrives with Zborg and Zeraora

Mewtwo: Aw... look at them! They are soo cute! 

Taen: Well...yes. But back to business. You were not supposed to have a child.

Zeraora: I know... But I was raped by humans-

Mewtwo: WHAT?! When?!

Taen: Those Degenerates...

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