Chapter 19

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At Leon

Leon is alone with Gray.

Gray: I can't keep doing this! It's not right that I am pretending to be this "Gray" human!

Leon: You wanted me to take you in, so a little appreciation would be nice.

Gray: How does this even work?! 

Leon: Must I remind you that your only job is to be Gray. Forget about your past life and name.

2 hours ago

Leon's thoughts: Day after day Luma insists on whining about Gray. It is becoming rather irritating....To the point I might make fox tailed soup if she asks me again.

Luma: Hey Leon... I was wondering.... if-

Leon gets out of his coffin and walks outside

Luma: H-hey! The sun is still up!

Leon: I know! I realize it hurts me to stay in the sun but I was born in the sun so I will withstand it long enough to watch it set.

Luma: Ok. But are you sure you are fine on your own?

Leon: I will be FINE. You and Ashley better eat and go to bed early. That is an order.

Leon walks away smoking slightly.

Luma: What's that about? Oh well. Maybe this time I will be able to get enough sleep.

Leon continues walking into a forest and all the wild pokemon ran away being absolutely terrified of his presence

Leon talking to himself: What is the point?...There is nothing at the end of this adventure. After I kill Taen then what? I take over maybe? What after that? Do I just sit in a throne for the rest of time?

Leon stops as he heard someone crying out.

???: Help....Help....someone please help....

Leon: sigh... This better be worth my time.

Leon walks toward the voice he heard and he found a Umbreon that has it's leg trapped inside a bear trap designed to wound a pokemon so people to catch the trapped pokemon easier.

Leon: Stand still.

Leon with ease opened the bear trap in fact he broke it.

Leon: Now go. Run far and don't come back.

The Umbreon stares at him terrified thinking that he is human except that he has an aura of dread.

Leon: I see. You're leg is hurt. I shall do you this one mercy then.

Leon starts transforming turning into what looks like a Jesmon lucario fusion which is his pokemon form. Leon touches the Umbreon's leg and it starts healing.

Umbreon: Who are you? I was scared of you at first but seeing you like this is relieving.

Leon: You are not scared of me? Maybe you should be. I feast on pokemon and humans alike.

Umbreon: That doesn't bother me. I can handle that but not humans...They scare me....

Leon: You intrigue me. That is the only reason you are not my dinner yet. What is your name?

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