Chapter 20

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Meanwhile at Taen

While Leon was messing around Taen called for several Champions and formal champions from various regions to join him

Taen: Lance, Blue, Steven, Wallace, Cynthia, and Red are here. Where is Galar Champion Leon? He is late.

Mewtwo: I'm sorry my master, my king... I sent him a message to come and he claimed he was coming.... I take full responsibility.

Red: ...

Blue: Uh Red, you have to actually speak for everyone else to understand.

Mewtwo: Is that so Red? How can such a incompetent human Champion exist?!

Red shrugs: ...

Mewtwo: sigh... This just isn't worth it.

Mewtwo teleports Leon into the room.

Leon: Huh? Oh sorry Taen! Didn't mean to keep you waiting!

Mewtwo: Don't talk to him so formally!

Taen: Not now Mewtwo. 

Leon: I swear... I was following the signs then I ended up in the mountains.

Taen: I see... 

Mewtwo telepathically: Told you.

Taen: Now down to business. As you know Leon is our enemy-

Leon: Huh?! What did I do?! I just got a little lost!

Taen: The Monarch Leon. Not you, Champion Leon. Anything else you want to add?

Blue: I do.  What are we waiting for? Lets just go and eliminate him already.

Gray walks up to Blue

Taen: If you are so eager then face Gray and if you win, you can feel free to lead the others to eliminate MONARCH Leon and ask for anything you need to do so.

Blue: Come on! First me then Red, now Gray? Come on Gray, I'll show you how it's done. Come on out Alakazam!

Blue releases Alakazam

Gray: Shatter all his pokemon's bones... Zborg.

Zborg raises from the ground

Blue: Alakazam set up with reflect!

Alakazam puts up a barrier

Gray and Zborg: Too late.

Zborg appears behind Alakazam after using Shadow Force and chomps down on it's arm snapping it. Alakazam faints from shear pain.

Blue: What the...Hell?

Gray: Zborg return. Go Hackmon.

Zborg sinks below the ground and Jesmon bursts out

Blue: No! Go Charizard!

Charizard is released.

Gray: ... 

Blue: Ha! This is my ace! Hackmon in this world is considered a Steel/Dragon type right? HA! You're stunned into silence that I can beat your ace! I got this in the bag! Use Fire blitz!

Charizard lets lose a Massive amount of Fire that consumes Jesmon in flame

Gray: First things first. Zborg is my starter. Second you are correct about his typing. Third you barely hurt him. Hackmon shrug it off.

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