Chapter 23

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Leon:  We are close. Sadly we may have revealed too much already.

Leo: We did?

Leon: We were visited by Zeraora.

Leo: M-my mom?

Ashley: Yes. That Zeraora is your mother. Hey Leon. How did you notice?

Leon: I am the ruler of the Fallen. They tell me everything. 

Luna: So what did they tell you of Taen's weakness?

Leon: Nothing. They can't even get close. I'm just going to kill Taen the old fashion way. 

Ashly: Beat him until he dies?

Leon: That could have been worded better but essentially yes.

Leo: Would we have to fight his minions first?

Leon: Yes. Gray's Pokemon and Digimon.

Leo: So we have to fight my mother... It's wrong to fight her...

Leon: Then absorb her energy. If she has no charge then she can't use her lightning. Regardless we must continue onward and reach his Damn castle.

Leon's group follows him

At Taen

Taen: Please tell me you came back with news.

Gray: I did. Leon is about a day and a half from here. They are moving toward us. May I suggest that I set up defenses?

Taen: Go ahead. Do as you will. 

Gray nods and prepares his plan.

Mewtwo: Gray isn't going to be able to stop him. You do know that right?

Taen: Maybe not. I have other ideas if that doesn't work. 

Mewtwo: Oh?

Taen: I'll bring out his mother and father. That will at least make him hesitate.

Mewtwo: Luca and Hackmon? Wow. I bet he will lose heart after seeing them.

Taen: That is the plan.

At Leon

Zeraora is in the trees and is far away from the group and sees them carrying a coffin towards the castle. She see Leo and grits her teeth in anger. Anger that someone like Leon has taken one of her children and raised them instead of her. 

zeraora's thoughts: There is nothing more I can learn from them. If I lead them to Taen then he will kill Leon and I can take my son back. Or Taen dies and...then....begging would be useless... He would kill me on the spot if he could catch me that is. 

Leon from behind her: Right you are. But you underestimate me Zeraora.

Zeraora jumps back to evade an attack that didn't come.

Zeraora: Aren't you supposed to be in the coffin?

Leon: To protect me against the light? Yes. I am burning if you were wondering.

Zeraora: What tipped you off that I was here you bastard?

Leon: Now now, language. I came here for a chat. I knew you were working for Taen but I wasn't sure if you knew where his location was. He set up a barrier so that way only those he allows entry may enter.

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